【类型】: 剧情/科幻
【片长】: 平均43分钟
【集数】: 本季共13集
【字幕】: MKV版中英双语字幕(须设置,详情见后),RMVB和AVI版中文字幕[幻翔字幕组出品]
【IMDB评分】: 9.4分
【IMDB链接】: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/
【服务器】: 端口:80
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)于2003年12月8日在美国科幻频道上开播迷你剧 ,之后在2004年10月18日于英国Sky One电
系统,摧毁了Battlestar舰队,用核武器将殖民地的城市化为灰烬。Battlestar Galactica是唯一一艘幸存的航母,它在舰长Adama的指挥下带领几十艘各式各样的民船和近5万名人类仅剩的幸存者逃离了殖民地的星系,开始了寻找人类的第13个殖民地-地球-的旅程。
中文字幕是由幻翔字幕组经过长达半年的翻译、多遍精心校对和纠错完成。片源采用了16:9 DVDrip。除此之外MKV版本还采用了高品质AVI视频+中英双语字幕+AC3音轨。MKV版字幕设置方法: MKV版须全屏观看,并使用MPC或暴风影音播放器播放,才能正常同时显示双语字幕。MKV版若出现字幕重迭,请鼠标右键点击右下角任务栏里的Vobsub绿色箭头图标,选择选隐藏字幕(Hide Sub)然后全屏播放就能双语正常同时显示。如果只有中文字幕,那么在播放器菜单-查看-选项-回放-输出里Directshow视频改成VMR7,Realmedia视频改成DirectX 7, 点确定,然后关掉播放器, 重新开启播放器-点右下角任务栏绿色箭头图标-隐藏字幕,再检查并确保播放器菜单-播放-字幕-"启用"前要打勾,然后全屏播放就行了。 幻翔字幕组谨以此片奉献给所有BSG爱好者收藏
所有喜欢《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》朋友,都被其宏大的太空场景,制作精良的太空特技所吸引。同时又被其剧情中人类即将灭绝的命运扣紧了心弦。但《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》带给我们的不仅仅是以上所述的吸引人之处,它揭露的是人类的本性:即使在即将灭族的时候,也不忘记政治,也没忘记争权夺利。或许这就是人的天性。星际旅行(Star Trek)的理想乌托邦式的未来宇宙世界或许是人们永远美好的追求与幻想,但更加贴近现实的《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》却散发着它独特的魅力。
mini Overview
Forty years after the end of the Cylon War, the artificially-created Cylons declare war on humanity by attacking and destroying the twelve colonies. The military crumbles after their newly updated ships shut down in the face of a new unknown Cylon weapon. A lone Battlestar known as Galactica, due to be decomissioned and converted into a museum, turns out to be the only thing standing between the Cylons and the total destruction of the human race.
With all others in the line of succession dead, Laura Roslin, the Education Minister, is appointed president of the Thirteen Colonies. Her new plan is to round up all of the surviving ships and together with the Galactica flee their home systems, never to return.
Season One Overview
The Cylons declare war on humanity wiping out billions in an unprovoked first strike. The Colonial fleet is all but eliminated leaving just a handful of ships including the soon to be decommissioned Battlestar Galactica. Galactica is crewed by the misfits of the military and a crew that never expected to be involved in real duty. With the president gone, and the government all but eliminated Laura Roslin, the Education Minister takes on the mantle of President of the 12 Colonies.
Gaius Baltar, the leader in Artificial Intelligence, has inadvertently betrayed humanity by allowing a Cylon agent into the defence network rendering it, and all of their military forces impotent in the face of the Cylon attacks. During his time with this agent, it has implanted a chip into his brain allowing it to speak to him, and continue to torment him. Over the season Baltar falls in love with the Cylon eventually betraying humanity again and again.
《太空堡垒卡拉狄加 第一季》(Battlestar Galactica Season 1)[FLYINE幻翔字幕组出品]迷你剧+13集全[RMVB+MKV+AVI]评论