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《地下判官 第一季》(The Fixer Season 1)更新第1集[PDTVRip]

软件大小:347.75 MB

【类 型】:剧情/动作
【片 长】:每集60分钟左右
【集 数】:未知
【字 幕】:暂无
【服 务 器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 24小时
英国ITV台最新电视剧《地下判官》讲述了John Mercer,一名前特种兵被判无期徒刑,然而却意外的提早释放并被秘密安排到Kenny Jameson,一名因病退休的警官那里。Mercer意识到他的自由是有代价的,原来Jameson正组建一个非官方的组织,这个组织只有一个目的:消灭社会中逍遥法外的罪犯。组织中还有一个因诽谤被开除的前女警,她擅长利用自己的性感美色作为武器。
John Mercer (Andrew Buchan, who starred in Party Animals and Jane Eyre) is a former member of the Special Forces serving a double life sentence. He is released from prison unexpectedly early and introduced to the shadowy Kenny Jameson, a police officer retired on grounds of ill health.
Mercer realises his newfound freedom comes at a price. Jameson pulls together an unofficial operation with a single brief to remove untouchable criminals from society.
Mercer must use the skills he learned in the Special Forces to execute a series of discreet hits.
To help him complete each mission, Mercer is introduced to his new colleagues who include Calum McKenzie (Jody Lee Latham), a petty thief whose main interests are girls, drugs and music.
Things are complicated by the final member of Jameson’s group the sharp tongued but seductive Rose (Tamzin Outhwaite).
An ex-copper forced out of the police by scandal, she has always used her sexuality as her primary weapon and is more than a match for Mercer.
The gang operates outside the parameters of the law and is at odds with the world but when it comes to fulfilling its mission it is lethally effective. They are the solution. Mercer is the fix.

《地下判官 第一季》(The Fixer Season 1)更新第1集[PDTVRip]下载

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  • 名称:《地下判官 第一季》(The Fixer Season 1)更新第1集[PDTVRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:07:29
  • 资源大小:347.75 MB
  • 授权形式:免费