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《拉字至上 第五季》(The L Word Season 5)更新第12集[HDTVRip]

软件大小:4.64 GB

【类 型】: 剧情
【片 长】: 每集45分钟左右
【集 数】: 未知
【字 幕】: 外挂中文和英文字幕点此
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 24小时
  美国Showtime电视台于2004年1月18日推出一部女同志电视剧集《The L Word》,由Showtime与米高梅公司联合制作的这部影集,描述的是生活在洛杉矶的一群女同志。Showtime在2000年制播了首部以男同志生活为主题的《Queer as Folk》,在英美同志圈广受欢迎。
  《The L Word》的演员阵容包括Jennifer Beals(闪舞)、Laurel Holloman(双姝奇恋)、Mia Kirshner(黑色姊妹帮)、Karina Lombard(骇客杀阵)以及Eric Mabius(鸦魔战士)。去年九月刚与摇滚乐手玛丽莎伊瑟莉姬结婚的谭米琳麦可也将在剧中客串演出。
  《The L Word》作为影史上第一部女同志剧集,由大学毕业生Jenny (Mia Kirshner饰)搬到洛杉矶揭开序幕,立志从事小说写作的Jenny和男友Tim(Eric Mabius饰)相偕至洛城准备展开“成人生活”,他们和一对女同志Bette (Jennifer Beals饰)和Tina(Laurel Holloman饰)成为邻居。珍妮一次受邀参加Bette和Tina的家庭派对时,被一位迷人的女子(Karina Lombard饰)煞到,从此生活出现翻天覆地的变化。
'The L Word' is billed as the intimate story about the lives and loves of a group of lesbian friends living in Los Angeles. Mostly centering on Jenny (Mia Kirshner), a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, who moves to Los Angeles to live with her boyfriend Tim (Eric Mabius) and begin a professional writing career. Jenny's life is turned upside down when she attends a party hosted by Tim's next-door neighbors, Bette (Jennifer Beals) and Tina (Laurel Hollomon), a lesbian couple who are looking to take the step into parenthood after seven years of dating. A brief encounter at the party with Marina (Karina Lombard), the owner of The Planet, the local coffeehouse that the ladies gather on a daily basis, suddenly has Jenny thrust into the local lesbian community and a whole new world she never understood until she questions her own sexual orientation. Other friends of Bette and Tina include Dana (Erin Daniels), a rising tennis player looking for love despites having no dating experience; Alice (Leisha Hailey), a magazine writer whom just wants to find the woman of her dreams; Shane (Katherine Moenning) is a sexually aggressive slacker/hairstylist whom seeks out her own girl just for her own pleasures.
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《拉字至上 第五季》(The L Word Season 5)更新第12集[HDTVRip]下载

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