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《单身毒妈 第二季》(Weeds Season 2)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品][RMVB]

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◆原 名:Weeds Season2
◆译 名:单身毒妈 第二季
◆类 型:Comedy(喜剧)
◆首 播:2006年8月14日
◆国 家:美国 ShowTime
◆语 言:英语
◆字 幕:中文
由于丈夫的意外身亡,Nancy Botwin成了一名膝下抚有两子的单身母亲,一无所长的她找不到一份能养活一家三口的工作,但天无绝人之路,焦头烂额的她无意发现了一份高报酬的生意:在洛杉矶的富人区Agrestic偷卖大麻,似乎每个人私底下都需要她的“货”,包括市议会的议员Doug Wilson。Nancy一方面要维持生计,一方面又要把自己秘密从事的“生意”瞒过最好的朋友、家庭教师协会会长Celia Hodes,经常会闹出一连串啼笑皆非的事来。本剧将由Nancy带领我们去揭开这片绿茵环绕的豪宅区背后隐藏的肮脏秘密。
点评:故事背景有些类似Desperate Housewives,tv.com评分也很高(当前观众评分8.2, 230人)
  2006年:Elizabeth Perkins获金球奖电视最佳女配角提名,Mary-Louise Parker获音乐喜剧类剧集最佳女演员提名,最佳音乐喜剧类剧集提名
  2005年:Mary-Louise Parker获卫星奖音乐喜剧类电视剧集最佳女演员,Elizabeth Perkins获音乐喜剧类剧集最佳女演员提名
This new series is a single-camera comedy about a single mother who makes ends meet by selling marijuana in the fictional suburb of Agrestic, California. The series exposes the dirty little secrets that lie behind the pristine lawns and shiny closed doors of homes in the of this gated community. Mary Louise Parker stars as the suburban mom who resorts to selling weed to support her family after her husband unexpectedly dies. Jenji Kohan will executive produces and writes the series.
Airing Information:
First Season:
Preview of pilot aired on Sunday, August 7, 2005 on Showtime at 10 PM EST with repeats on the following Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10PM EST.
From then on episodes aired first on Mondays at 10PM EST with repeats on Mondays right after the episode premiere and on Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00PM EST and approxiamately 10:30PM EST and Sunday at 10:30PM EST.
Second Season:
The season premiere will air on Monday, August 14, 2006 on Showtime.
Production Information:
Produced by Lions Gate Television in association with Titled Productions. Weeds has received a 10-episode commitment for it's first season. It was renewed after Weeds received a Golden Globe Nomination and the two leading ladies received nominations also. The 13 episodes of the second season are currently being filmed.
Theme Song:
"Little Boxes" by Malvina Reynolds
Awards and Nominations:
63rd Annual Golden Globes in 2006
1. Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy:
Weeds (Showtime - Lions Gate Television, Inc.)
2. Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy:
Mary-Louise Parker (Nancy Botwin)
3. Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Elizabeth Perkins (Celia Hodes)
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《单身毒妈 第二季》(Weeds Season 2)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品][RMVB]下载

《单身毒妈 第二季》(Weeds Season 2)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品][RMVB]评论


  • 名称:《单身毒妈 第二季》(Weeds Season 2)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品][RMVB]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:51:04
  • 资源大小:109.33 MB
  • 授权形式:免费