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《天堂的雷霆 第一季》(Thunder in Paradise Season 1)22集全[TVRip]

软件大小:8.20 GB

【类型】: 动作/冒险/科幻
【片长】: 平均45分钟
【集数】: 全季共22集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
讲述一个退伍的海军陆战队员和他的高科技装备快艇(能变形会说话)与世界各地恐怖分子斗争以及夏威夷海滩,美女等等一系列故事,非常精彩,剧中白发肌肉佬男主角斯宾塞现实中是美国著名的摔角手:Hulk Hogan
"Danger. Excitement. Adventure. It's just another day in paradise."
Randolph Spencer and Martin Brubaker were ex-Navy SEALS-turned-mercenaries who hired themselves out as soldiers of fortune to deliver their own brand of justice. On their missions, Spence and Bru relied heavily on Thunder, which was a souped-up, gadget-ridden speedboat originally built by Spencer for the U.S. Government.
The television series was basically based on the 1993 DTV movie "Thunder In Paradise", which also had two sequels, part two in 1994, and part three in 1995.
An interesting bit of info: While filming Thunder In Paradise in Florida, which is where WCW filmed its Saturday TV show in the same lot, Hogan, who had retired from wrestling, was offered a great contract from then WCW owner Ted Turner.
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《天堂的雷霆 第一季》(Thunder in Paradise Season 1)22集全[TVRip]下载

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  • 名称:《天堂的雷霆 第一季》(Thunder in Paradise Season 1)22集全[TVRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:27:06
  • 资源大小:8.20 GB
  • 授权形式:免费