【类型】: 真人秀 【影片长度】: 平均40分钟 【集数】: 全季共14集 【字幕】: 中文 【服务器】: DonkeyServer No1-2 【分享时间】: 每天10小时以上 【内容介绍】: (明珠台中文字幕版) 一分耕耘,一分收获,真的吗?在靠食脑靠天才的服装设计行业上,这句说话又能否大派用场?在新一辑《天桥骄子》中,参赛者在面对接踵而来的任务时,到底最后是凭他们的天才定输赢,抑或有赖后天的辛努? 无论如何,能晋身比赛的设计师,都有一定设计才华,他们每集所设计出来的服饰,都会由模特儿穿上行Catwalk,从而选出该集的优胜者。虽然这群参赛者某程度上都有艺术家脾性,但毕竟这是一个真人Show,所以难免出现勾心斗角场面哩! Sixteen designers compete against one another in weekly design challenges held at the at The Parsons New School For Design in New York City. Contestants are eliminated each week until only three top performers remain. The final three face off during New York's Fashion Week in February. The winner receives $100,000 to help launch their own clothing line, a 2007 Saturn SkyRoadster, and the opportunity to have their designs featured in an ELLE magazine fashion spread.
《天桥骄子 第二季》(Project Runway Season 2)英语中字,全14集[RMVB]评论