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《超市总动员 第一季》(10 Items Or Less Season 1)5集全[DSRip]

软件大小:872.83 MB

【类型】: 喜剧
【片长】: 平均25分钟
【集数】: 未知
【字幕】: 暂无
【首播】: 2006年11月27日 美国TBS台
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享时间】: 24小时
10 Items Or Less是少量超市购物付款通道的专用通道名称,如果有了这个通道你就不会因为买一桶可乐,而排上数分钟队了。既然是超市术语的篇名,故事自然也就发生在超市中了。一名敬业的纽约商人在他父亲去世后搬过来接管家族企业-一家位于第5大街的名叫"Greens & Grains"的超市。Leslie Pool是超市的经理,Yolanda Nelson在产品部任职,Ingrid Wakowski在客户服务部,Todd Sykes则在肉品部,Richard Mednick是名收银员, Buchwald Washington是个打包工。这群超市员工上演了一出出令人捧腹的搞笑故事。
10 Items Or Less stars John Lehr (Memron) as a struggling New York City businessman who moves home to take over the family supermarket following the death of his father. This scripted and improvised half-hour comedy series comes from the creators of the mockumentary Memron. The show is set in the fictional supermarket known as Greens & Grains which is 'located' at 5th Street and Tiberius. The following is a character guide: Leslie Pool is the owner/manager of G&G. Yolanda Nelson works in the produce department. Ingrid Wakowski is in customer service. Todd Sykes works in the meat department. Carl Dawson is a stockboy. Richard Mednick works as a cashier, while Buchwald Washington is a bagger.
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《超市总动员 第一季》(10 Items Or Less Season 1)5集全[DSRip]下载

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  • 名称:《超市总动员 第一季》(10 Items Or Less Season 1)5集全[DSRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 21:03:08
  • 资源大小:872.83 MB
  • 授权形式:免费