【类型】: 剧情/动作/冒险
【影片长度】: 平均40分钟
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 根据具体修改
【分享时间】: 全天
【制 作】:风软FRM字幕组+风软FRTVS压制组【内容介绍】:
Showtime’s new drama unveils the war on terrorism to reveal a riveting and unfiltered view. ‘Sleeper Cell’ stars Michael Ealy as an African-American undercover F.B.I. agent who is seduced into joining an Islamic sleeper terrorist cell in the United States by the cell’s ruthless leader played by Oded Fehr. Showtime has a unique viewing schedule planned for ‘Sleeper Cell’ designed to offer viewer flexibility and enrich the viewing experience by offering programming blocks.
《危机四伏 第二季》(Sleeper Cell Season 2)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新第8集[RMVB]评论