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《星际猎人2300 第二季》(Starhunter 2300 Season 2)22集全[TVRip]+[DVDRip]

软件大小:15.02 GB

【类型】: 科幻/动作
【片长】: 每集约45分钟
【集数】: 本季共22集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享时间】: 24小时
本剧主要讲述了2300年一名赏金猎人Travis Montana寻找他失踪的父亲的冒险故事。在23世纪,人类已经扩张到太阳系的每个角落。文明由上百个国家拼凑而成,而其中大多数的政府很软弱并且法律更加软弱。这是罪犯们的黄金时代,他们从事非法活动,利用未来的难以置信的科技来抢劫他人。从前的太空豪华班机-郁金香号-现在成了一艘赏金猎人的船,船长是Travis Montana,他一直在搜索银河系为了找到他的父亲。船上还有滑稽的猎手Rudolpho,勇敢的Percy,全息大副Carvaggio,性感的特别服务官Callista和坏男孩Marcus。(以上介绍转自飞翔科幻网)
In the 23rd century, humanity has spread to the stars and planets in Earth's solar system. Civilization is a patchwork of a hundred worlds, most with weak governments and weaker laws. It is a golden age for criminals who exploit this lawlessness and use the incredible technology of the future to prey on others. A former luxury space liner, the Tulip, is now a bounty-hunting vessel commanded by Travis Montana (Sunset Beach's Clive Robertson) who searches the galaxy in search of his father. He's joined on his quest by comic hunter Rudolpho, plucky Percy, holographic first mate Carvaggio, sexy special services officer Callista and bad boy Marcus. Now the fight for justice is set among the stars? and the showdown is about to begin. Perfect for Fans of New Sci-Fi TV Favorites Farscape, Stargate SG-1 and Babylon 5! Episodes include: Rebirth, Star Crossed, Biocrime, Chasing Janus, Spaceman, Becoming Shiva, The Third Thing, Torment, Painless, Skin Deep, Supermax Redux, Pandora's Box, Stitch in Time, The Prisoner, Kate, Rivals, Heir and the Spare, Just Politics, Negative Energy, License to Fill, Hyperspace I & II.

《星际猎人2300 第二季》(Starhunter 2300 Season 2)22集全[TVRip]+[DVDRip]下载

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  • 名称:《星际猎人2300 第二季》(Starhunter 2300 Season 2)22集全[TVRip]+[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 20:31:12
  • 资源大小:15.02 GB
  • 授权形式:免费