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《男才女貌 第三季》(Beauty and the Geek Season 3)9集全[PDTV]

软件大小:3.08 GB

【类型】: 真人秀
【片长】: 60分钟
【集数】: 未知
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
Beauty and the geek 是一档真人秀,geek们其实也不是小丑,他们甚至可以算得上是另类天才(魔方冠军,MIT高材生等),不过都是社交白痴而已。Beauty们则除了漂亮,还必须也有些白痴,是只会吃喝玩乐的美人。游戏的大致规则就是男女配对,互相帮助,像生产合作组,力求最好成绩。geek们要学会办派对,跳舞,约会;Beauty们则要上台演讲,拼装电脑以及改造她们的男伴。所有不可能之任务全要被一一完成,为了25万美金的高额悬赏。
Once upon a time, there were 7 attractive women who got by on their appearances, and 7 intelligent men with limited social skills, who lived in a house together, learning from each others' weaknesses and strengths. By the end of their six-episode journey, these diverse men and women received lessons in confidence, equality, and dignity. No longer were they just the Beauty and the Geek.
Beauty and the Geek is Ashton Kutcher's social experiment, which tested if seven beautiful women could work with seven intelligent men to become a whole lot more. At the end of its first season, which filmed in December in California, and premiered in June of 2005, the men and women involved came out better people - more confident, and more accepting.
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《男才女貌 第三季》(Beauty and the Geek Season 3)9集全[PDTV]下载

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  • 名称:《男才女貌 第三季》(Beauty and the Geek Season 3)9集全[PDTV]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 20:13:44
  • 资源大小:3.08 GB
  • 授权形式:免费