【类型】: 剧情/家庭/爱情
【片长】: 每集约45分钟
【集数】: 本季共13集
【字幕】: 无
【首播】: 2007.01.01 美国ABC Family台
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享时间】: 24小时
Chris Furillo从少管所出狱后,来到Raintree牧场,为曾经显赫一方,如今日趋没落的Ritter家族工作,成为了一名高额奖金马赛的骑师,Chris和Ritter一家都需要为自己赢得东山再起的机会。
命运就是这么难以捉摸,Chris在Raintree牧场的第一个月就充满了艰辛的劳动和难以赢得的尊重,还有难以抗拒的浪漫,不期而至的友谊,令人震惊的背叛,初恋,胜利的笑声和千钧一发的惊险经历。她与Ritter家的长子Matt,以及Ritter家族最主要竞争对手Davis家族的富有公子Junior结下了深深的情谊。但Dani,Junior的妹妹,Matt时分时合的女友缺对Chris恨之入骨,想方设法要将她赶走。(转载请注明“Alexiao@TLF原创” )
"Wildfire" follows eighteen-year-old Kris Furillo who, after serving time at a teen detention center, is given the opportunity to start a new life. Her talent with horses is recognized by a volunteer and local trainer Pablo, who arranges a job for her at the Ritter's family run ranch, Raintree. Thrown into a completely new environment, Kris must learn to deal with the challenges of fitting in, while trying not to disappoint the one family willing to give her a chance. The Ritters are facing challenges of their own even as they reach out to help Kris. Patriarch Henry Ritter and his daughter Jean are in a critical stage of their battle to save the ranch from financial ruin. Kris and Wildfire must help them get back on the map in the world of horse racing.
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