【类型】: 喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均20分钟
【集数】: 未知
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: DonkeyServer No2
【分享时间】: 24小时
Andrew (Peter Cambor) 和Lauren (Jennifer Westfeldt) 的第一个孩子就快要出生了,但《育儿守则》的第一条就让他们感到左右为难--保守秘密!突然开始喝脱咖啡因的咖啡,在酒会上装成戒酒的模样,频繁光顾妇产科医院,这些举动很难让家人和朋友不起疑心。
Andrew和Lauren都是爱交际的人,他们周围有一大帮朋友--这些人对于组建家庭有着各种不同的意见、看法和经历。Julie (Melanie Paxson) 和 Eric (Sunkrish Bala) 也是第一次做父母,他们有点兴奋过度了,Andrew和Lauren可不想成为他们那种对未来期望值过高,以至于神经兮兮的父母;Lauren最要好的朋友Cooper(Rachael Harris)是专门处理离婚案件的律师,一个典型的职业女性,对婚姻充满了不信任,她如果知道Lauren怀孕了,绝对会想一切办法来阻止Lauren 加入"妈妈俱乐部"的行列;Andrew的死党Danny (Michael Weaver)是个童心未泯的大孩子,他最在乎的就是寻找性感惹火的姑娘们然后和他们风流快活。Andrew和Lauren能够放下过去自由自在、无拘无束的生活,负起做父母的责任来吗?他们能把那些单身朋友们口没遮拦的话不放在心上吗?他们能接受从此白头偕老、永不分离的誓言吗?
Meet Andrew and Lauren. They just found out that they are having a baby. They are about to deal with a lot of changes, first being lying to everyone about being pregnant for the first three months until it's safe to tell people but they are having a difficult time keeping it secret. People are going to get suspicious when Lauren suddenly switches to decaf, suddenly stops drinking at cocktail parties, and starts going to the obgyn...a lot. They are both about to learn that the politics of parenthood can be just as demanding as raising a child.
They're going to have to deal with theirs, competitives, but well-meanings, friends' strange "advice" about their relationship. Are they both ables to resist that pressure and create a family?
《育儿守则 第一季》(Notes From The Underbelly Season 1)更新第8集[HDTVRip]评论