【类 型】:剧情 动作 冒险 科幻
【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
【集数】: 未知
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
HARRY DRESDEN -- 巫师 主营业务:失物搜寻、灵异事件调查、咨询顾问等服务 价格公道合理 Harry Dresden可不是摆弄迷情药水、无底钱袋的小巫,也不过派队成性的娱乐生活,他可是芝加哥市唯一在黄页上登出服务广告的巫师,做生意货真价实,从不故弄玄虚,从魔物、药水到咒语符文无所不通。Dresden有着饱经风霜的过去,他曾是罪人,也曾受害,但黑暗的过去却成为他如今惩奸除恶的动力与信念。Dresden为民除害、敢于对抗一切灵异威胁,雇他一天只需500美金另加工本费。他有着胜人一筹的性格优势(除了爱讲冷笑话),有他很是依仗的神奇魔棒(虽然外表和曲球棍没什么区别),还有助他一臂之力的心灵导师Bob(一个自命不凡、命犯煞星的巫术专家)。Dresden不去派队,更不搞什么迷情药水,每当恶灵作怪、邪魔现世,他随叫随到,他的联系方式就在电话黄页上! 本剧由Jim Butcher畅销小说改编,盛传与<哈里波特>有许多异曲同工之处,当然盛传的事还包括<哈里波特>实乃Raymond Chandler和Douglas Adams的私生子所写...
Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment. Harry Dresden is the only wizard who advertises in the Chicago yellow pages. And he's the real deal. Charms. Potions. Spells even. Dresden is a haunted man (in more ways than one) who has sinned and been sinned against. But in the darkness of his past, he finds an inner strength and a driving desire to set things right. Armed with his trusty staff (okay, it's a hockey stick) and winning personality (if you don't mind the snarky sense of humor), and aided and abetted by his annoying spiritual advisor, Bob (doomed soul, expert in magic, noodge), Dresden champions the underdog against all manner of supernatural threats -- for five hundred dollars a day. Plus expenses. Dresden doesn't do parties and he doesn't do love potions. But if the hocus starts to pocus, if the going gets... strange, if the things that go bump in the night start packing a punch, call him. He's in the book. Based on the best-selling novels by Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files has been described as being a lot like Harry Potter... if Harry Potter had been written by the illegitimate love child of Raymond Chandler and Douglas Adams.
Paul Blackthorne
Valerie Cruz
Valerie Cruz1976年7月18日生于美国新泽西州,拥有古巴血统的她曾就读于佛罗里达州立大学,获得戏剧表演学士学位,曾在<整容室>等多部电影、剧集中亮相。
Terrence Mann
全名Terrence Vaughn Mann,已婚,他生于1951年7月1日,以优异成绩从北卡罗尼纳艺术学院毕业,他不单出演过多部电影、剧集和百脑汇歌剧,还是一个小有名气的艺术导演。
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