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《乔治 洛佩兹 第六季》(George Lopez Season 6)18集全[HDTV]

软件大小:3.07 GB

【类型】: 喜剧
【片长】: 每集约30分钟
【集数】: 共18集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享时间】: 24小时
美国ABC台王牌喜剧《乔治洛佩斯》于2007年1月24日开播第六季。由著名喜剧明星George Lopez主演。
剧中George Lopez原来是名作柠檬汁的家伙,自从他成为洛杉矶机场分部工厂的经理以后,他应对的是一个复杂而动乱的工作,一个牢固但有挑战性的婚姻,2个难对付的孩子和一个说谎不承认的老妈。但是所有这一切都丝毫没有减弱他的幽默感。
George Lopez is a guy who has made lemonade from lemons at every turn. Since he became plant manager at an L.A. airplane parts factory, he has handled a complicated and tumultuous job, a strong but challenging marriage, two rebellious children and a mother who can’t keep track of her own lies about his childhood -- all with his sense of humor intact.
His affable compadre, Ernie (Valente Rodriguez, "Erin Brokovich"), still ribs George about his high-powered management position at the plant, but always lends a hand when George needs him. Ernie, who still lives with his mother and father, has learned some fathering skills of his own after foster-parenting a troubled twelve-year-old boy.
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《乔治 洛佩兹 第六季》(George Lopez Season 6)18集全[HDTV]下载

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  • 名称:《乔治 洛佩兹 第六季》(George Lopez Season 6)18集全[HDTV]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 17:48:41
  • 资源大小:3.07 GB
  • 授权形式:免费