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《家居装饰 第三季》(Home Improvement Season 3)25集全[DVDRip]

软件大小:4.26 GB

【类型】: 喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均20分钟
【集数】: 全季共25集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: DonkeyServer No2
【分享时间】: 24hrs x 7
Home Improvement is a sitcom about Tim Taylor, the accident prone host of a Detroit, Michigan television program about tools, who raises his dysfunctional family.
Main Characters: Dr. Timothy "Tim" 'The Toolman' Taylor is the accident prone host of Tool Time who teases his co-host Al. Jillian "Jill" Taylor is Tim's wife who wants to be a psychiatrist. Dr. Wilson Wilson, Jr. is the Taylors' strange neighbor who enjoys learning about other cultures and never shows his entire face. Albert "Al" Borland is Tim's flannel-wearing co-host. Heidi Keppert is the attractive Tool Time girl from season three through season eight, who is married with one child. Bradley "Brad" Michael Taylor is the Taylors' eldest son who is hoping for a soccer scholarship. Randall "Randy" William Taylor is the Taylors' middle child who is off at an environmental research study in Costa Rica. Mark Taylor is the youngest son who is frequently tortured by his older brothers.

《家居装饰 第三季》(Home Improvement Season 3)25集全[DVDRip]下载

《家居装饰 第三季》(Home Improvement Season 3)25集全[DVDRip]评论


  • 名称:《家居装饰 第三季》(Home Improvement Season 3)25集全[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 17:47:49
  • 资源大小:4.26 GB
  • 授权形式:免费