【类型】: 剧情/喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均40分钟
【集数】: 全季共22集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: DS No1 / 2 / 3
【分享时间】: 24 hours x 7
Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas were going steady throughout their childhoods. Ally even followed Billy to Harvard law school despite having no interest in law. But when Billy chose to pursue a career in law away from Ally, their relationship came to an end. In the present, an old classmate of Ally's named Richard Fish gives Ally a job at his law firm, where Billy and his new wife are also working. This puts Ally in a predicament since she still has feelings for Billy which she's laboring to get over. At the office, Ally puts up with a nosy, gossiping secretary named Elaine, and an oddball lawyer named John Cage never seems to lose a case. At home, Ally's friend and house-mate Renée regularly advises her on her love life. The series follows Ally's trials and tribulations in life through her eyes, and caricaturizes her personal thoughts and fantasies.
主人翁Ally Mcbeal是个神经质的律师,会念书,会打官司,但是就是不太懂人事。《甜心俏佳人》的第一期非常好看, 观众对Ally 非常同情,她是一个好孩子,从小青梅竹马的男友因为实在不能接受学业不如她所以转学,她又好强留在哈佛,心理上从此有了个阴影。刚刚参加工作时又被老板性骚扰了一把,一气之下辞职去了一个同学开的小律师事务所,谁知道第一眼就看到藕断丝连的初恋情人也在同一个办公室,故事由此展开。观众抱着同情心看主人翁在男女问题上遭受的所有误会,但是说老实话,到了第六集,你就开始讨厌这个没有任何解药的女律师。她固执、霸道、永远拿着道德文明的大棍子打人,实在是一个非常不讨人喜欢的女人,这种角色最讨好的是对男人有一定偏见和仇恨的女人。剧的另外一个缺陷是这里面的人物没有象《六人行》里面那么夸张,又没有《欲望城市》里面那么真实,所有人物的心理活动和剧的故事情节都是非常老练的电视剧写手按照一定的成功规律写的:这儿该打架了,这儿该亲嘴了,这儿再摔点小包袱。基本上看了六期之后就没有什么惊喜了。
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