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《学习英语》(LEARN ENGLISH)西班牙

软件大小:5.41 GB
中文名: 学习英语
版本: 西班牙
发行日期: 2006年
地区: 西班牙
对白语言: 英语,西班牙语

新浪上说皇马的球员们都是很用心在学英语的,在每一台电脑里都有诸如 “INGLES PARA”、““aprender ingles”西班牙人学习英语的专业网站,内容都是提高英语听说能力的,有几个网站还必须输入账号和密码才能进入。可以想象的出,这套CD,也是那些大牌球星们经常用来学习英语的。论坛http://lib.VeryCD.com/2005/04/21/0000047498.html原来有的只有4CD,而且缺少MDS文件无法刻盘。这个11CD是完整版本,第11张占时找不MDS文件,找到后再放上来。此软件需要一点英语或者西班牙语基础。
Long considered the gold standard in self-paced language tutoring, Instant Immersion brand has proven invaluable to millions of people worldwide desiring to learn a new language. Now, the global leader in language instruction melds improved flexibility and utility with lustrously polished content to create Instant Immersion English Platinum, the unparalleled language system combining hands-on computer-based teaching with the portability of audio lessons on compact discs. Tell Me More 3 CD-ROM set comprises 750 hours of instruction at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, heightening your English proficiency through tutorial technologies including the use of 3D animation and the Spoken Error Tracking System (S.E.T.S.) providing detection and correction of pronunciation errors. Stay motivated when you’re away from the computer with the Instant Immersion English audio book 8 compact disc set. Developed by linguistic experts, these recordings offer an in-depth curriculum allowing students on the move the opportunity to master spoken English, from vocabulary to conjugation.
This is the new version of TeLL me More, includes levels Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. 750 hours of learning
3,600 exercises
35 different types of activities organized in
6 different Workshops.
:: 8,000-Word glossary
:: Grammar and conjugation
Grammar rules and 700 conjugated words using simple,
animated explanations. :: Lesson report
A detailed account of your progress where you are able to play back your dialogues.
: Personalized learning paths
The Progress Chart and Diary organize your study by selecting activities and proposing a study plan corresponding to your level and objectives, as well as your schedule.
The latest intelligent software version evaluates your progress as you learn, and uses your results to suggest the activities and exercises best suited to your needs. Whatever your objectives or level, TELL ME MORE adapts to your needs and guides you through the learning process, just as a teacher would.
:: The Lesson Workshop organizes activities by topic.
:: The Cultural Workshop helps to improve your knowledge of the countries in which the language is spoken.
:: The Grammar and Vocabulary Workshops include sets of exercises linked to grammar rules, verb conjugations and key vocabulary words (classified by either topic or level).
:: The Written Workshop includes sets of exercises designed to help you improve your written expression.
:: The Oral Workshop contains numerous dialogues and interactive videos focusing on both oral comprehension and expression .
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《学习英语》(LEARN ENGLISH)西班牙下载

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  • 名称:《学习英语》(LEARN ENGLISH)西班牙
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 19:36:53
  • 资源大小:5.41 GB
  • 授权形式:免费