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《深入浅出 C#》(Head First C#)高清晰PDF

软件大小:132.47 MB
中文名: 深入浅出 C#
英文名: Head First C#
版本: 高清晰PDF
发行日期: 2007年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

Head First C#
By Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene
First Edition November 2007
Pages: 778
Series: Head First
ISBN 10: 0-596-51482-4 | ISBN 13: 9780596514822
C#是Microsoft公司设计的一种编程语言。它松散地基于C/C++,并且有很多方面和Java类似。Microsoft是这样描述C#的:“C#是从C和C++派生来的一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言。C#(读做‘Csharp’)主要是从C/C++编程语言家族移植过来的,C和C++的程序员会马上熟悉它。C#试图结合Visual Basic的快速开发能力和C++的强大灵活的能力。”
Book description
Head First C# is a complete learning experience for object-oriented programming, C#, and the Visual Studio IDE. Built for your brain, this book covers Visual C# 2008, Visual Studio 2008, and the .NET Framework 3.5, and teaches everything from language fundamentals to advanced topics including garbage collection, extension methods, and double-buffered animation. You'll also master C#'s hottest and newest syntax, LINQ, for querying your data in .NET collections, SQL databases, and more. By the time you're through, you'll be a proficient Visual C# programmer, designing and coding large-scale applications
Table of Contents (Summary)
1 Get productive with C#: Visual Applications, in 10 minutes or less 1
2 It’s All Just Code: Under the hood 43
3 Objects Get Oriented: Making code make sense 85
4 Types and References: It’s 10:00. Do you know where your data is? 123
C# Lab 1: A Day at the Races 163
5 Encapsulation: Keep your privates… private 173
6 Inheritance: Your object’s family tree 205
7 Interfaces and abstract classes: Making classes keep their promises 251
8 enums and collections: Storing lots of data 309
C# Lab 2: The Quest 363
9 Reading and writing files: Save the byte array, save the world 385
10 Exception handling: Putting Out Fires Gets Old 439
11 events and delegates: What Your Code Does When You’re Not Looking 483
12 Review and preview: Knowledge, Power, and Building Cool Stuff 515
13 Controls and graphics: Make it pretty 563
14 Captain Amazing: The Death of the Object 621
15 LINQ: Get control of your
版本: KIV 7.0
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  • 名称:《深入浅出 C#》(Head First C#)高清晰PDF
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:08:17
  • 资源大小:132.47 MB
  • 授权形式:免费