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《BBC 鬣鳞蜥:恐龙般生活》(BBC Iguanas Living like Dinosaurs)[TVRip]

软件大小:350.17 MB

【解说】David Attenborough 爵士
【发行】BBC, 2002
【电视台】BBC Prime (BBC精华频道)
【官方分类】BBC Wildlife 系列
Dinosaurs may be dead and gone, but can a living reptile now help uncover secrets of the dinosaurs' lost world? Green iguanas, adorned with impressive spikes and claws, were once cast as dinosaurs in B movies. Although they are not directly descended from the dinosaurs, new research reveals that the social lives of these modern lizards may show us how the dinosaurs behaved. David Attenborough takes us deep into the jungles of Central America and reveals a chilling cast of prehistoric-looking reptiles locked into battles every bit as dramatic as those played out by the dinosaurs.
恐龙已经消失好久了,可这一种现在依存的爬行动物能否帮我们解开恐龙消失的秘密呢?有着让您印象深刻的刺与爪的绿鬣鳞蜥(liè lín xī)曾在B movie(通译“附加电影”“附片”,随正片插播、生产经费很少的一类电影)中扮演过恐龙。尽管它们并不直接传自恐龙,最新的研究表明,这些现代蜥蜴的社会生活仍能向我们展现恐龙的举止。David Attenborough 带我们深入到中美洲的热带雨林,展现一组饱受争议的、揭秘史前爬行动物的模样的扫兴镜头。

《BBC 鬣鳞蜥:恐龙般生活》(BBC Iguanas Living like Dinosaurs)[TVRip]下载

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  • 名称:《BBC 鬣鳞蜥:恐龙般生活》(BBC Iguanas Living like Dinosaurs)[TVRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 15:04:46
  • 资源大小:350.17 MB
  • 授权形式:免费