中文名: Bee-Line EPS素材 之五
英文名: BEE-LINE colored shapes
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
专业的矢量素材,Bee-Line Colour Collection。共5000个文件,彩色。
EPS是标准矢量图图形格式,通俗地说是兼容任何一款矢量图编辑软件的图形格式,也包括专业级点阵图编辑软件,这些软件包括:PhotoSHOP、 Illustrator、CorelDRAW、FreeHAND。在国内主要
5000 illustrations coloured by professional illustrators
and categorised under 52 relevant subjects on the
three CD-ROMs.
The illustrations have been saved as editable
Illustrator 7.0 EPS files, which means that they can
be imported into all programs, which are able to load
EPS files (Word, Pagemaker, Quark, etc.)
Additionally the illustrations can be opened and modified
in programs, which are compatible with Illustrator 7.0.
[杀毒软件] norton interent security
[版 本] 2007
[病 毒 库] 2007-7-08
[安装测试] 通过win XP SP2+illustrator cs2安装测试
[共享服务时间] 18:30-21:00
[共享服务器] DonkeyServer No1-3
[共享条件] 网通
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