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《图片素材 亮丽的渐变篇》(PhotoDisc Background Series 6 Ethereal Shadows&#

软件大小:264.19 MB
中文名: 图片素材 亮丽的渐变篇
英文名: PhotoDisc Background Series 6 Ethereal Shadows
素材分类: 图片
发行时间: 2002年09月01日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

Browsing and keyword searching software included.
100 images, each in three file sizes:
* High-res files: 28 MB, JPEG, print to 8.5 X 11 at 150-200 line screen
* Med-res files: 10 MB, JPEG, print to 5 X 7.5 at 150-200 line screen
* Low-res files: 600 k, TIFF
Backgrounds: a collection of blended backgrounds. Colors blends include: blue to orange, pink to blue, pink to orange to white, dark blues to black, deep purples to black, soft whites to light pinks, dark blues to white, reds to black, black to white, black to green, black to yellow, a variety of orange to yellow to red blends, yellow to brown, purple to red, and many more blended color combinations. The images in this collection do not show banding breaks between colors that is often seen in computer generated blends.

[杀毒软件] norton interent security
[版 本] 2007
[病 毒 库] 2007-10-12
[安装测试] 通过win XP SP2+Photoshop CS3安装测试
[共享服务时间] 随机
[共享服务器] 随机
[共享条件] 网通



《图片素材 亮丽的渐变篇》(PhotoDisc Background Series 6 Ethereal Shadows&#下载

《图片素材 亮丽的渐变篇》(PhotoDisc Background Series 6 Ethereal Shadows&#评论


  • 名称:《图片素材 亮丽的渐变篇》(PhotoDisc Background Series 6 Ethereal Shadows&#
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 16:10:43
  • 资源大小:264.19 MB
  • 授权形式:免费