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《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 36)[ISO]

软件大小:4.09 GB
中文名: 电视包装、广告创意
英文名: STASH DVD: Issue 36
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2007年09月06日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

STASH DVD系列主要收录了当月来自CG行业最为热门的动画短片、精彩广告和其他一些颇具特色的作品。这些作品代表了当前CG行业最为领先的设计思想和理念,最为热门的技术等。这是业界从事电视节目包装、广告创意设计、视频后期处理人员相关人员非常值得收藏的珍品,更是创意设计的福音!
You’ll find almost two and a half hours of inspiration on Stash 36 including a killer main program PLUS a selection of 11 exceptional short films, nine winners from the Cannes Lions ’07 fest, behind the scenes extras and bonus MP3s.
Roman Coppola’s studio gets the party started in the main program with a hilariously satanic take on energy conservation for Live Earth, Method stomps by on a magnetic giant made from 1200 digital extras (with a full VFX breakdown and interview with director Zach Snyder), Moscow’s Cosmo Film assaults your frontal lobe with their totally over-the-top “Capital” music video, Vitamin, Fulltank and Punga break out the new round of Zune sweetness, Buck, Stardust, Freestyle Collective, INTERspectacular, Imaginary Forces, Spark and Digital Kitchen kick out a big batch of broadcast design, as Superfad gets arty for Target, and Cisma/Blacklist get mean for Nike.
You’ll also find inspirational treats from Digital Domain, Animal Logic, Sehsucht, Salt, Shadow Animation, Shoparound, Machine Molle, Yukfoo, Curt, Lunapark, Laundry! and Supinfocom (check out the unbelievably long list of contributors below).
And to top off the main program one of the most spectacular pieces of animation you will see this year Blizzard Entertainment’s maniacally detailed and epically scaled cinematic for StarCraft II(on the cover).
And that is just the beginning…
The BONUS DISK in issue 36 is like the goody bag you get at the end of the party except this one contains 11 of our favorite short films from the early days of Stash. It’s a 45-minute program of sheer inspiration including:
“Over Time” from Oury & Thomas via Supinfocom
“City Paradise” from Gaelle Denis and Passion Pictures
“Le Building” from Olivier Staphylas, Marco Nguyen, Pierre Perifel, Xavier Ramonede via Goblins
“Gopher Broke” the Oscar nominated comic masterpiece from Blur
“Into Pieces” from Guilherme Marcondes
“Pica Towers” from Marc Craste and Studio AKA
“Le Processus” from Phillippe Grammaticopoulos via Supinfocom
“Hell’s Kitchen” from Benjamin Bocquelet and Renaud Martin via EMCI
“Tale of How” from Black Ginger
“Hernando” from Thomas Bernos, Jerome Haupert, Nicolas Lesaffre via Supinfocom.
“Alive in Joberg” from Neil Blomkamp
The nine BONUS FILMS on Stash 36 were all winners at the Cannes Lions this past summer and they include some of the most fun, innovative and spectacular commercials of the past year including:
Grand prix winner Dove “Evolution” (Soho)
Gold winner Sony Bravia “Paint” (MPC/Asylum)
Gold winner Coca Cola “Videogame” (Nexus Productions)
Silver winner Coke “Happiness Factory” (PSYOP)
Silver winner Gears of War “Mad” (Digital Domain)
Your BONUS MUSIC on Stash 35 flows in from Manchester-based indie label Melodic and includes seven MP3s including tasty tracks from Baikonour, Working for a Nuclear Free City, The Isles, Harrisons, Outputmessage, Windmill and L. Pierre v. Notes.
When you add all that to the 21 minutes of Behind the Scenes material, the total running time of issue 36 comes up to almost two and half hours.
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├├┬ ├┬├ ├
├├├ ├ * Title..: STASH ISSUE 36
├├├ * Date...: February 6th, 2007
├ ├├├ * Type...: VFX, DVDR
├┬├├├┬┬ ├ * Disks..: 83x50mb
├├├┬ ├ ├
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├ Release notes:
├├├ YouΓll find almost two and a half hours of inspiration on Stash 36
├├├ Γ including a killer main program PLUS a selection of 11 exceptional
├├├ short films, nine winners from the Cannes Lions Γ07 fest, behind the
├├├ scenes extras and bonus MP3s.
├├├ More info:
├├├ http://www.stashmedia.tv/archive/stash36.htm
├├├ Install notes:
├├├ 1.) Unrar
├├├ 2.) Burn/Mount
├├├ 3.) Enjoy!
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├ GREETINGS:
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├
├├├├├ ├├ Big thanks to all JGT sites, and
├├├├ ├├ ┬ sites accepting us!
┬├├┬├ ├├ ├├├├├├├
├ ├├├┬┬├├├├ ├├├├┬┬
├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├├├├
├├├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├┬├├├├┬├
├┬┬ ├ ├├├├├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├├
├├├ ├├├┬┬├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├
┬┬┬├├├├├ ├┬├├├├├├├┬├ ├├├├├├├├ ├ ├├├├┬├ ├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬┬┬┬┬┬ ┬┬┬┬ ┬
├├├ ├┬├ ├├┬┬ ┬┬ ├
├├├ in memory of ├ ├├├├ ├├ drawn by the honored
"judgement day is near..."
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《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 36)[ISO]下载

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  • 名称:《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 36)[ISO]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:37:06
  • 资源大小:4.09 GB
  • 授权形式:免费