中文名: 电视包装、广告创意
英文名: STASH DVD: Issue 40
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2008年01月07日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
STASH DVD系列主要收录了当月来自CG行业最为热门的动画短片、精彩广告和
Turning 40 is never easy (we’re told) but we had a blast putting together another killer line-up. Start your year off with a little kick in the cranium check out Stash 40…
It all starts on the cover when Stuttgart’s Unexpected plays rough with rugby-crazed aliens for Snickers, then The Mill gets all theatrical for Noam Murro and PlayStation 3, Shilo goes to ”War” with Angels & Airwaves, PandaPanther and Against All Odds crank out two of the best Zune virals yet, Jellyfish Pictures brings on the beautiful decay in “Footprint” for The Discovery Channel, Magiclab saves the day (and the princess) for TER, Wildbrain kick-starts a dormant genre with their dry yet absurdist Virgin Airways in-flight safety video, Alphabetical Order channels the early 20th century for Stella Artois, Optimus goes way over-the-top in a complete cheese-fest for the AICP/Mid-west show and BSL Productions in Montreal delivers one of our favorite videos from 2007: the awesomely creepy Socalled “You Are Never Alone”.
But wait yes, of course there’s more…
Lobo is here with four cool clips for Target, Wanda points out the many scary dangers of winter fashion faux pas, The Ronin and Dstrukt slice up NYC to open OFFF NY, Dieter Wiechmann and the Perish Factory spit out more of their singular video anarchy for Boresnore’s new video, MTV.ca bring snow back to Canada with some very funky flying fauna, Mainframe lands the Nick Kid’s Choice Awards in the UK with a bang, Moving Picture Company goes all radiological for Sagem, and Man vs Machine makes sure VH1 is all cuckoo-cool for the holidays.
And for the talent scouts among you, here’s four fresh names to keep an eye on: Passion Pictures new directing collective Bonzom and their “Lollipop” music video for Mika; Joh Kuemmel and his recent spec work for Greenpeace and Nike; Alex Villagrasa and his music video for Gallygows “The Users”; and UK student Talli Peled and her smart new VFX short film called “Pop Quiz”.
There’s more, but I’m running out of room and you’re running out of attention span check the full list of contributors below.
There are four BONUS FILMS on Stash 40 and each one is utterly different than the next. All the more interesting when you find out they’re created by one man. This program of work from Japanese director/animator/programmer Mamoru Kano launches our new series of directors’ showcases.
Your BONUS MUSIC on Stash 40 is an atmospheric suite of seven MP3s direct from the fine people at Type Records including tracks from Deaf Center, Xela, Zelienople, Sylvain Chauveau, Broderick, Ryan Teague and Helios.
You’ll also find 23 minutes of BEHIND THE SCENES features on Stash 40 including insightful clips about Discovery “Footprint”, Sony PlayStation 3 “Meet The Entertainers”, Snickers “Rugby”, Joh Kuemmel’s “Greenpeace” viral, E4’s wacky re-branding from Hothead Productions, MTV Canada’s “Winter Fauna”, Mitsubishi Lancer “Safer” from The People’s Republic of Animation, and PandaPanther’s new Zune viral.
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├├┬ ├┬├ ├
├├├ ├ * Title..: STASH ISSUE 40
├├├ * Date...: February 27th, 2008
├ ├├├ * Type...: VFX, DVDR
├┬├├├┬┬ ├ * Disks..: 73x50mb
├├├┬ ├ ├
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├ Release notes:
├├├ It all starts on the cover when StuttgartΓs Unexpected plays rough with
├├├ rugby-crazed aliens for Snickers, then The Mill gets all theatrical for
├├├ Noam Murro and PlayStation 3, Shilo goes to ΓWarΓ with Angels & Airwaves,
├├├ PandaPanther and Against All Odds crank out two of the best Zune virals
├├├ yet, Jellyfish Pictures brings on the beautiful decay in ΓFootprintΓ for
├├├ The Discovery Channel, Magiclab saves the day (and the princess) for TER,
├├├ Wildbrain kick-starts a dormant genre with their dry yet absurdist Virgin
├├├ Airways in-flight safety video, Alphabetical Order channels the early
├├├ 20th century for Stella Artois, Optimus goes way over-the-top in a
├├├ complete cheese-fest for the AICP/Mid-west show and BSL Productions in
├├├ Montreal delivers one of our favorite videos from 2007: the awesomely
├├├ creepy Socalled ΓYou Are Never AloneΓ.
├├├ More info: http://www.stashmedia.tv/archive/stash40.htm
├├├ Install notes:
├├├ 1.) Unrar
├├├ 2.) Burn/Mount
├├├ 3.) Enjoy!
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├ GREETINGS:
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├
├├├├├ ├├ Big thanks to all JGT sites, and
├├├├ ├├ ┬ sites accepting us!
┬├├┬├ ├├ ├├├├├├├
├ ├├├┬┬├├├├ ├├├├┬┬
├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├├├├
├├├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├┬├├├├┬├
├┬┬ ├ ├├├├├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├├
├├├ ├├├┬┬├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├
┬┬┬├├├├├ ├┬├├├├├├├┬├ ├├├├├├├├ ├ ├├├├┬├ ├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬┬┬┬┬┬ ┬┬┬┬ ┬
├├├ ├┬├ ├├┬┬ ┬┬ ├
├├├ in memory of ├ ├├├├ ├├ drawn by the honored
"judgement day is near..."
经最新版本Symantec AntiVirus ---Version:2008-02-28 rev.3 (诺顿)检查,无病毒!
常用服务器:IA MEDIA 2 、www.UseNeXT.info
共享条件:网通ADSL 512K带宽 速度较慢请大家分流
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