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"Rippin da shit." DOPEMAN
GAME: - Xpand Rally -Techland(c)
Release Date: DFC Game Genre: Racing
Game Type: Rip
Release Notes:
The game offers a career mode based on time trials during both: individual races
and World Championship Series which will satisfy traditional Rally fans.
The Rally Cross fans won't be disappointed either - they can challenge several
opponents in head to head racing during competitions based on real and fictitious
race events.
More notes:
I was gonna up 'Rally Extreme' unfortunately it's still star[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]ed, and I'm not
in to spreading 'infections' to all. So as soon as its 'un[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]ed' I will be
happy to share. This game also had prior 'infection' but of course the
infection has been removed. Happy Racing.
unrar Xpand Rally.7z with latest winrar
Double-Click setup.reg to enter reg keys.
start with XpandRally.exe
more info:
Ascii Art by: GMSi
"Install Nothing, Play Everything."
《劲爆拉力赛》(Xpand Rally)硬盘版相关软件:
《劲爆拉力赛》(Xpand Rally)硬盘版评论