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GAME: - Colin McRae Rally 2005 - Codemasters(c)
Release Date: DFC Game Genre: : RACING
Game Type: RIP
Release Notes:
No Install / Unrar & PlaY / Final v.1.1
Offering real progression and the most diverse selection of rally cars to choose
from, drivers will be pummelled through a staggering 300+ stages driving cars
from 4-wheel drive, 2-wheel drive, 4-wheel Classics, Super 2-wheel, Rear Wheel,
Distinctive and 4x4 classics. Beyond the Career Challenge, there's even more
adrenaline-fuelled rally gaming with the title's 4WD Championship, Rally, Stages.
Ripped----> Co-Driver Voice , Multi-Languages
《科林麦克雷拉力赛2005》(Colin McRae Rally 2005)硬盘版相关软件:
《科林麦克雷拉力赛2005》(Colin McRae Rally 2005)硬盘版评论