苘苘茌苒苘苘? ?
苘苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮苒 苓 苘苘圮哌 ? ?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄槽苘苘 ? 圹? 苒 ?
苒鄄槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊? ? 圹 圹 ?
懿槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ? 膊 圻?苓
膊圹卟圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 哌哌 哌哌 ?
安槽圯捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄? ?苓哌苘哌
安槽圹咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 ? 苒圻哌?
膊槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?? 圮?圹 ?
薏圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻鄄 ? ? 膊 ?
膊槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 圯 舶 哌?哌哌
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹佰?鞍 懿?
苻膊圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ?
苓 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 ?
安槽圹圹圹圹圹圯捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮圹圹圹? ?
鞍哌圹圹圹圹圹圹舶 槽咣圹咣圹圻圹圹圹圹圹圻圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮槽圹圹圹圮?
佰圹圹圹圹槽舶 佰圮圹圹咣圹咣圹苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苓?
臂圹圹圹圹佰? 佰圮卟槽苓圹苓圹苒咣圹圮圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻圻圹槽?
圹圹圹圹圯安 鞍 卟曹哕圹苻咣苘卟曹咣圹苓咣圹圹圹苒圹圹圹圹圹苒苓圹圯
佰圹圹圹圹稗? 卟曹葸膊苘斑曹斑? 卟曹 咣圹圯捋圹圹圹圹圹苓苻圹?
臂圹圹圹膊 ? 咣郯 哌膊馨曹? 捋? 鄄膊 圹圹圹圹圹圹圮 鄄?
?膊圹圹圹圯 ? 安舶 卟舶卟 安? 圹圹圮圹圹圹鄄?
圹圹圹鄄草 掭 ? 苒圹圹圮鞍 掭 苘 圹圹圹咣圹圹苓圹?
佰圹蒇圹郾? ?苘 苒圮咣圹圹圹圻圹苘苘懿曹咣? 膊 圹圹 咣圹圹 鄄?
捋鄄 圹圹斑? 膊鄄膊 圹圹圹苒圹圹圹圹苒圹苘膊圹圮? 圹圹 咣圹圹?
懿策 圹圹?鞍 圹圹圹槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 鞍 咣圯 槽鄄?
?? 捋葸圹 捋圹圹佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圯 鞍 薏? 臂?
膊 安? 佰圹圹苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄槽? 膊 槽?
鞍 咣圹圮圹圹圹圹槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹咣? 捋? 鞍膊
膊 ?安圹槽圹圹圹?佰圹圹圹圹圹圹哕?鞍 圹? 膊 鞍
鞍 捋圮 佰圹圹圹圹圹 佰圹圹圹圹圹鄄? 膊 苒圹 苒?
膊馨圹鄄? 咣圹圹圹圹 圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 捋圹圹圮圹圹?
捋圹圹圹舶 咣圹圹圹圮圹圹圹圹圹? 圹圹圹圹圹膊 ? 鞍
膊 苒圹圻圹圯 哌圹圹圹圮苘咣圹? 槽圹圹圹圹圹败? 懿舶?
?? 圹圹圹苓圹? 哌圹圮圹圹圻 槽圹圻圹圹圹苒圯 膊 捋圯
卟? 鞍膊?咣圹 卟曹? 卟槽圹? 捋圹?圹圹圹圹脖 捋圹圹圹苘
鞍 膊? 哌 哌 鄄草 槽圹?捋圻 鞍膊咿圹?哌膊
掭鞍 捋圻 膊 鞍 膊 鞍
? nerv+F0sT 哌哕 圹? 苓
苘 ? 苘苘苘苘圹 膊
苘咣哕? 苘苘苘苘? ?? 圹 ? Deviance
捋圹 苒圹圻哌咣鄄 哌 ? 圹 苻
圻 ? 鞍捋圹? 圹? 鄄圻 圹 膊苘苘? 苘苘?
圻槽圹? 圹? 圹圹 圹圹 圹圹 ? ?圻哌咣圮
?葺 ? 圹? 圹圹 圹圹哕 圹圹 蒈? 圹?
苘苘 圹圹圹 圹? 圹圹 圹圹 哕 圹圹 槽? 圹?
懿圹圹圹圹圹圹 圹? 圹圹 圹圹 咣圹? 圹? 圹?
捋圹? 圹圹圹 圹? 咣圹 圮 ? 圹圹 圹? 圹?
圹圯 圹圹圹 鄄? 膊槽 圹膊 圹咣 圻咣? 圹?
圹? 捋圹圯圻哌哌哌茌 捋蒇? 圹 鄄槽? 圹圹圮苘苘鄄?
苻 苒圹哌苒? 圹? 苒圻圹圮? 圹 圹咣圹苘 圹捋圮
鞍?哌哌哌哌 鞍?咣圹 鞍?哌圹哌 哌圹圹鄄?鞍鞍鞍 鞍 哌膊圹圹圮哌圹?鞍鞍鞍?
Coffee Break (c) Nobilis
RELEASE.DATE .......... : 06/2006 :: SUPPLIER ........ : Dana/DEViANCE
RELEASE.SIZE ............. : 1 CD :: PACKER .......... : Dana/DEViANCE
PROTECTION ........... : Sysiphus :: CRACKER .......... : Liz/DEViANCE
苘 苘 ? 苘 苘 苘?苘 苘 ?苘 苘?苘 苘?
圮?圮?? 圮?苘???圮? ? ?? ? 圮???
鞍佰败佰苘佰?圮馨圮郯苘郯圮?佰?郯圮?佰 佰苘败苒鞍?
From the moment we leave school till the age we take a good retirement
we all spend most of our days working our butts off in a place that
never pays us enough to do what we do: THE OFFICE ! From Tokyo to
Paris, from New York to London, men and women all find themselves
gossiping in front of the coffee machine every morning before starting
the long hard working day. Now, for the first time in history, a video
game allows you to make fun of all this, to play tricks to your boss
or to seduce the cute secretary on the second floor: COFFEE BREAK!
Coffee break is a company life simulation with attitude. All your
colleagues have different personalities and you must develop a good
relationship with them all if you want to succeed in your different
tasks. What are these tasks? Oh nothing more than avoiding being
caught whilst robbing the company money, trying not to go to a very
important (but so boring) meeting, finding a way to calm down a very
upset client you did not deliver for, etc. Basically, all things that
happen everyday in every company around the world! Do your job, blame
others when things go wrong, be loved by everybody... or get fired!
?苘 ?苘?苘?苘 ? ? 苘 ?苘 苘?苘 苘?
?? ?? ? 苘?? ? ? ?? ? 圮???
鞍佰佰 佰败苒 佰 佰苒佰馨圮 佰 佰佰苒 佰 佰苘败苒鞍?
1 . Unrar
2 . Burn or mount
3 . Install the game
4 . Copy the crack from the DEViANCE dir on the CD into game dir
5 . Play and enjoy, you might die tomorrow
苘 苘 苘 ? 苘 苘 ?苘 苘?苘 苘?
圮?圮?????圮? ? ?? ? 圮???
鞍败苒佰败佰苒佰苒佰? 鞍?佰佰苒 佰 佰苘败苒鞍?
We do this for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of
piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. We do NOT want
our nfo or release listed on any public place like websites, P2P
netorks, newsgroups, etc! It is against the original scene rules!
In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked
for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene jobs. As we
love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. Support the
software companies. If you like this game BUY it! We did!
Our cracks may not be used or altered for any other release without
our permission! Allowed groups are: GENESiS, BACKLASH, SACRED, RiTUEL,
VLiSO and MiLAN. Respect hard working crackers, don't steal from them.
" Cracking is a deviance "
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