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《守夜人》(Night Watch)CLONE[更新Proper版,][Bin]

软件大小:3.81 GB
中文名称: 守夜人
英文名称: Night Watch
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: CLONE[更新Proper版,]
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: 开发:Nival Interactive
发行:CDV Software Entertainment / Noviy Disk
地区: 美国

开发:Nival Interactive
发行:CDV Software Entertainment / Noviy Disk

Unrar, Burn or Mount CD-1 and CD-2 the same old way
Burn CD-3 with Alcohol newest version,for datatype u put
Securom *NEW*, write method RAW DAO, check Enable Buffer
Underrun Technology, and make sure these ARE NOT checked:
Rectificy Sub Channel Data and Burn Rmps to recordable

Proper Notes:
Starforce does not work mounted. You have to burn this version
of Starforce. The release Plex made is just a "Lucky Burn".
They did nothing with the SFClone to make it any better, any more
Our release is much more compatible with other media types and will work
long as you follow the instructions correctly. Next time just leave
hard protections to us plex, and stop releasing clones that impossible
work the way you tell they do !!!
Install Notes:
To burn a real 1:1 copy with no emulation:
1. Unpack release, and tool.
2. Copy tool to wherever you have CD1 image and run tool.
3. Look at your blank disc, and select that manufacturer in the tool's
dropbox. If you select the wrong manufacturer type, the game will not
4. Click patchme, and wait until it says "Patching done."
5. A new image will be made called unl-nw3_patched." Burn this image
in newest A120 at 4x speed using the datatype "SECUROM *NEW*" Also, make
sure the write method is set to RAW DAO. Make sure that there are no
checkmarks next to "Rectify subchannel data" and "Burn rmps to
recordable media."
6. When you hit start, it will say "Image size does NOT match to
lead-Out recorded in TOC!
select : Keep TOC as on source CD , write until end of image file
7. Burn the rest of the discs as normal since they are not protected.
8. Install the game and play. You can play this clone from your IDE
Warning 1 - If you get verification failed during load, then your copy
Warning 2 - Burning to the wrong media type than selected in the tool
guarantees failure.
Warning 3 - Burning the clone with Profile "Securom New 4/5" or with
"rectify subchannel data" or "burn rmps to recordable media" guarantees

知名游戏发行商CDV Software公司今天对外宣布由俄罗斯同名科幻电影改编的PC平台策略RPG大作《Night Watch》将于近日全面上市发行。本作由实力雄厚的Nival Interactive担纲开发,此前该工作组曾制作过《突袭》和《寂静风暴》等作品,广受玩家好评。
《Night Watch》的剧情来源于俄罗斯作家Lukyanenko的一部着名小说,此次的游戏版更是完美地融合了特技、科幻、悬疑、惊栗、奇情、灾难等多种游戏元素,讲述的是混沌世界中存在着正邪两派,他们可以进入冥界施展各种魔法。一千年前,正邪两派军队狭路相逢,在莫斯科展开了一场旷世大战。由于双方势均力敌,为了避免两败俱伤,于是双方签订了一项为期一千年的停战合约。一千年以后,化身凡人的两派将从一个普通人逐步感受到自己身体中所蕴含的巨大能量,旧时的记忆再度复苏。正义的一派自称“守夜人”他们为了维持世界和平将跟踪黑暗势力;而反派守昼人的则妄图引起战争,甚至毁灭全世界的灾难。在游戏中玩家将扮演守夜人,并与恶势力展开斗争,牢牢地把握人类的命运。可供你选择,的职业主要有三种,附魔者、变形者和法师。附魔者可以在普通的道具上施展法术,从而获取巨大的力量;变形者可以化身成动物,具备强大的肉搏力量战斗;法师的法术极为丰富,多达70种,可制敌于无形。本作的互动性很高,环境也将深受这些法术的影响,同时NPC也有各自不同的情感表现。据称,游戏采用的是《寂静风暴》的引擎制作,画面眩丽,场景更是横跨欧洲多个都市。

? 哌 哌 ?? ?
? ?
? ?
? 苒圹圹圹圹圮 圹? 苒圹圹圹圹圹? 圹圹圹? 苒圹圹? ?
? 圹圹圹圹圹圹? 圹鄄 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ?
? 圹鄄膊膊膊圹鄄 圹鄄 圹圻 膊膊膊圹? 膊膊策圹卟膊膊膊 ?
? 圹鄄 圹鄄 圹鄄 捋鄄 圹圹圹圹鄄 掭 ?
? 圹鄄 圹圹圹圹?圹鄄 捋圯 圹圹圹圹? 掭 ?
? 圹鄄 圹圹圹鄄 圹圮? 圹圮 膊膊膊? 苒圮 ?
? 圹鄄 膊膊膊 圹圹圹圹圹?咣圹圹圹圹圹圹 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 ?
? 圹鄄 咣圹圹圹圹?咣圹圹圹圹圹鄄 圹圹圹? 咣圹圹鄄 ?
? 膊? 膊膊膊膊? 膊膊膊膊膊膊 膊膊? 膊膊膊? ?
? ?
? 苓哌哌哌哕 ?
? ? OK ? ?
? 哕苘苘苘苓 ?
? ?
?  [RELEASE.iNFO] 哕? ?
? ?? ?
? 赏屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯退突 ?
?NAME ?Night.Watch.SFCLONE-PLEX ???
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
? 赏屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯退突 ?
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
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?LiNK ?http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/night-watch/ ???
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
? 赏屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯退突 ?
?GENRE ?Strategy, RPG ???
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
? 赏屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯退突 ?
?SiZE ?51x15mbs 51x15mbs 55x15mbs ???
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
? 赏屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯退突 ?
?DiSCS ?3 ???
? 韧屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯褪图 ?
? 苘苘 苘苘? 苘苘 ?
? ? ? 苘? 哕? ? ? ?
? ?捋圯 ? ? 圮 ? ? 蒉 ? ?
? ?捋圯 ?? 圹圮 ?? 蒉 ? ?
捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ? ? ? 圹圹? ? ? ? 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圯
? 哌哌 ? 圹? ? 哌哌 ?
避? 哌哌哌哌? 哌?? 苓? 苓哌哌哌? 鼙
咣槽曹 ? 哌哌? ? 苒槽
弑鄄鄄? 圹圹圹圹圹圹? 苒臂哌
哌臂曹 懿圹策
圹曹 懿郯策
咣槽? 曹圹?
卟佰曹? 苒槽卟
哌圹? 槽斑
槽槽? 懿圻
郯臂鄄圹臂郯槽圹卑圹圻策北氨卑辈槽圹圹圹圹圹圻? 鄄辈?
槽卑北卑北卑氨北北氨北北膊圹圹哌 ?鞍 ? ? 郯佰
鄄北槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻? ??? ??郾郾
臂安? ???鞍 ??郯槽
槽臂 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍? ???? ? 郯郯
郯臂 鞍鞍鞍鞍 膊?膊?膊? 膊?膊?草膊?膊草草 草 膊? 郾鄄
脖臂 鞍? 草草草 草 草草 草草草 草草 草 草草草草 郾卑
佰臂 鞍 草草草 草 草 草草草草草 草 草草草草草 郾圹
卑佰 ? 草草膊? 草 草 膊?草膊? 草 草草草草草 鄄辈
鞍臂 草草草 草 草草 草草草草草 草 草草草草草 郾鞍
辈臂 膊?膊?膊? 膊?草草草草 草 草 草 草草 郾槽
郯臂 鄄郾
氨佰 Based on the movie of the same name, Night Watch is a tactical 郾舶
槽臂 RPG set in the universe of the Others. 郾北
卑臂 郾鄄
氨佰 草膊? 膊?膊草 膊莶?草 膊莶膊莶?草 膊? 郾圹
郯臂 草草草 草 草 草草草 草 草草 草 草草草草 鄄辈
鞍臂 草草草 草 草 草草草 草 草草 草 草草草草草 郾鞍
辈臂 草草草 草 草 草草草 草 草草 草 草草草草草 郾槽
郯臂 草草草草 草 草 膊草草 草 膊草 草 草草草草草 郯佰
氨佰 草草草 膊? 草 草草膊莶草草草 草 草 草 草草 郾郾
鄄臂 郾圹
鄄臂 Unrar, Burn or Mount CD-1 and CD-2 the same old way 郾圹
氨佰 Burn CD-3 with Alcohol newest version,for datatype u put 郾鄄
圹臂 Securom *NEW*, write method RAW DAO, check Enable Buffer 郾郾
槽臂 Underrun Technology, and make sure these ARE NOT checked: 郯佰
槽臂 Rectificy Sub Channel Data and Burn Rmps to recordable 郯佰
鄄臂 media. 郾圹
鄄臂 郾圹
鄄臂 Play 郾圹
鄄臂 Enjoy! 郾圹
卑臂 郾郾
氨佰 膊?膊? 草 草草膊? 膊? 草 膊草膊?膊? 郯郯
槽臂 草 草草草草草草草草草 草草草草 草 草 草 草 郾鄄
郯臂 草 草草草草草草草草 草草草草 草 草 草 郾卑
脖臂 草膊莶草 草草草草膊? 草草草草 草 膊? 草 郾圹
佰臂 草 草草草草草草草草 草草草草 草 草 草 草 鄄辈
卑佰 膊?草草 草 膊莶? 草草 草 草 膊?膊? 郾鞍
鞍臂 郾槽
氨佰 - Remeber, If u like this game, Ask dady to buy it for YOU! 郾佰
氨佰 Support the Company ^^ 郯佰
氨佰 郾佰
氨佰 - This game was burnt onto a TDK CD-R Media on a PLEXTOR driver 郯佰
圹臂 郾脖
氨佰 膊?膊?膊莶草膊草 膊? 郾鄄
卑臂 草 草草草草 草 草 草 草 郯佰
鄄臂 草 草草草 草 草 草 郾臂
氨佰 草膊莶草 膊莶草 草 草 郾卑
槽臂 草 草草草草 草 草 草 草 郾圹
郾臂 膊?草草膊莶草 草 膊? 鄄辈
郯佰 郾鞍
槽臂 To No_1 ?郾槽
郯臂 ?郯氨
臂臂 鞍 郾圹
脖臂 鞍 郾安
臂臂 鞍鞍 鄄圹
郯佰 鞍鞍鞍鞍 郯膊
臂臂 鞍鞍鞍鞍 郾郯
鄄臂 鞍鞍鞍? 鄄佰?
槽佰 苘圹圹圹鄄北槽
郯臂 苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊脖卑氨安舶圹?
鄄辈SCii by DmN/iNDUCT苒圹圹圹圹膊北卑北北氨氨北卑北氨北卑氨舶北卑佰槽郯槽鄄?
咣槽郯佰槽郯槽郯鄄圹鞍鄄圻st upd 08.04.2k6

《守夜人》(Night Watch)CLONE[更新Proper版,][Bin]下载

《守夜人》(Night Watch)CLONE[更新Proper版,][Bin]评论


  • 名称:《守夜人》(Night Watch)CLONE[更新Proper版,][Bin]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 13:43:12
  • 资源大小:3.81 GB
  • 授权形式:免费