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《乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲》(LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)Clone版PROPER

软件大小:1.43 GB
中文名称: 乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲
英文名称: LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
版本: Clone版PROPER/破解版
发行时间: 2006年
地区: 美国

开发:Traveller's Tales
发行:LucasArts Entertainment

Fix Info:
Another new invention by DADC. Congrats!! Very nice very very hidden so
cool stuff.
For people who want to fix their installed version:
1. Unrar.
2. Copy the new cracked content from /Crack/ to your installation directory.
3. Play the game.
For people who want to fix their image:
1. Unrar.
2. Apply the ppf-fix from /PPF/ to your image.
3. Enjoy your fixed CD image.

Proper Notes:
The mds of the other LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy release is
so bad that we had to proper it.
It probably will work for some,but certanly not for all.
Second proper reason is that our release does work mounted and burned.
Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent.
2. Burn in Blindwrite 4.5.7, 4x speed, DAO Pw, hit yes to include bwa
information. This makes a 1:1 clone without any need for emulation.
You can also mount in DT4 using securom.loader.
3. Play

去年“《LEGO Star Wars》”上市后,凭借许多独特出众的优点被评为2005年最畅销的游戏之一。这款作品不仅适合众多的年轻人玩耍,而且成年人也十分喜欢。如果看过影片“《Star Wars》”的话,便会发现本作主要是在电影基础上改编而成的。今年秋季,Saber Interactive公司计划推出它的最新续作《Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy》,同时这款大作将会在PS2,Xbox,PC,PSP,Xbox 360和GameCube等多种平台上发行。
 内容情节设计上,《Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy》这款游戏将会显示6个不同章节,它们分别是“the Tantive IV”,“the Jundland Wastes”,“Hoth”,“Tatooine”,“Mos Eisley Spaceport”和“the Death Star”等。进入游戏,玩家主要控制公主“莱娅(Leia)”和首领“Antilles”的行动。机械人伙伴C-3PO和R2-D2也会加入到战斗中,它们的作用是帮助玩家在“死星(Death Star)”进行各种传输任务。当然了6个章节结束之后,玩家还将会看到很多和电影内容有关的惊险关卡。
 同原作相比,《Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy》中新增加了许多交通工具类型,这样可以给玩家带来更好的作战经验享受。虽然类型有很多,但是这些载具还分别具有不同的特殊功能,比如有的工具柔性很好,即使路上遇到障碍物也能轻松越过。更加令人兴奋的是,有些载具还具有医治功能,如果有的角色受伤了,直接进入到里面驾驶一会儿就可以康复。这里可能会继续前作中的骑术,比如帝国骑兵会驾驶Dewbacks,反叛者会乘坐“长毛象(Banthas)”进行作战。不管怎样,这种宏伟的作战场景还是很迷人的
 为了更好的展开作战,新作还将会加入很多新的要素,其中很多战役关卡就需要利用上面这些交通工具来进行,比如“死星沟渠之战”和“荷夫星战役(The Battle of Hoth)”就是很好的例子。更加突出的是,得到这些新型交通工具之后,不仅能够进一步促进探险活动范围,作战动作的自由灵活度也会提高很多。另外还出现了很多新的怪物,这些家伙的样子看起来特别丑陋骇人,而且还阴险狡诈,玩家一定注意它给你突然攻击。
 玩过《Lego Star Wars》就会知晓,其中最吸引人的一点是通过影片的巨大感染力,来给玩家增添更多的玩耍乐趣。从整体上看,创新的趣味性不是很强,没有更多特别让人惊讶的可玩性。新的续作针对这些不足进行了改进,这里每一个人物角色都分别有细微的差别,它们的表情变化和动作打斗十分幽默。比如有的故意装腔作势,还有“汉索罗(Han Solo)”的傲慢自大也能很明显的表现出来。

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 P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! ! 
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Release Date : 09-09-2006 Protection : SecuROM
Release Type : CD Game Genre : Action
Release Notes:
LEGO Star Wars II follows the Rebel Alliance's battle to dismantle the
Galactic Empire and rebuild a galaxy in pieces. From Darth Vader's
pursuit of Princess Leia aboard her Blockade Runner to a showdown on the
reconstructed Death Star, the game includes even more of the
family-friendly LEGO action, puzzles and humor that earned the original
LEGO Star Wars such popularity and acclaim. And much more new to offer,
it still has. For the first time ever, levels feature vehicles and
creatures that players can ride or exit at will. Also, in LEGO Star Wars
II's Free Play mode, gamers can customize more than 50 new playable
characters by mixing and matching body parts, to build their own LEGO
Star Wars heroes. And on certain platforms, a game save from the first
LEGO Star Wars can unlock as many as 56 additional characters for Free
Play -- that's more than 100 characters total, plus millions of possible
creations! Other exciting additions include the ability to Free Play
with vehicles, cool new character-specific attacks and maneuvers,
playable mini-kit vehicles, an optional advanced mode for experienced
players and more.
Proper Notes:

The mds of the other LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy release is
so bad that we had to proper it.
It probably will work for some,but certanly not for all.
Second proper reason is that our release does work mounted and burned.

Install Notes:

1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent.
2. Burn in Blindwrite 4.5.7, 4x speed, DAO Pw, hit yes to include bwa
information. This makes a 1:1 clone without any need for emulation.
You can also mount in DT4 using securom.loader.
3. Play

Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition!
" Someone has Unleashed the goats, prepare to be Unleashed "

《乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲》(LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)Clone版PROPER下载

《乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲》(LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)Clone版PROPER评论


  • 名称:《乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲》(LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)Clone版PROPER
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:29:13
  • 资源大小:1.43 GB
  • 授权形式:免费