专辑中文名: 炼金术士 伊莉丝的工房:永恒的玛纳2
专辑英文名: Atelier Iris ETERNAL MANA 2 Original Soundtrack
艺术家: 原声大碟
资源格式: MP3
版本: [VBR][2CD]
发行时间: 2005年
地区: 日本
语言: 日语
专辑介绍:这是系列的第二作 《金术士 伊莉斯的工房》是《金术士》系列
游戏中首次用男性作为主角的作品,玩家将扮演一名 17 岁的少年金术士 克雷因(Krein Kiesling),与 16 岁的少女 莉塔(Ryta Blanchimont )以及可爱的木之精灵 波波(Popo)等一起展开一场冒险之旅。
本代将大幅强化游戏的 RPG 要素,并加入新
系统「妖精调合」,带有动作成分的战斗场面有大幅的强化,与以往的系列作品不同。本游戏的战斗引入了称之为「Cost Turn Battle」的系统,各个角色将具备独自的战斗技能,战斗以三人为一组的队伍来进行,团队中
1. Eternal Story (Full version)
2. Bonds
3. Engraved History
4. At the Murmuring Brook
5. Go Novice Alchemist
6. Continent Which Rides the Wind
7. Gentle Breeze and the Earth
8. Tumbling Tree Spirit
9. That Kid's Shop Is Thriving?
10. The Journey Continues
11. Blazing Earth
12. Shining Sword
13. Victory Is In Our Hands
14. Under A Small Roof
15. Oasis Town
16. Hidden Treasure
17. Revealing the Secret Arts
18. Crest
19. Shadow of the Imperial Capital
20. Big Bridge
22. Terrestrial
23. The Wise and Happy Footmen
24. Exciting Cave Exploration
25. Hometown of the Spirit for EM2
26. Emotions Sent Yonder
27. Resounding Heartbeat
28. Mountain Road
29. It's the Sea!
30. Exploration at the Beach
31. Flag of Freedom
32. Boys on the Plains
33. Charge
34. Ambitions In the Heart
35. Sleeping Girl
36. Carmine
37. Demise
38. Change!
1. Spring Breeze
2. Carefree Shopping
4. Mandible of the Abyss
5. Emperor Fangs
6. Circle of Friends
7. Dumb Request at an Embarassing Time
8. Deep Green Earth
9. Mysterious Friend
10. Foliage
11. Footsteps of Darkness
12. Lost Poem
13. Truth
14. Let's Do Our Best Again Tomorrow
15. Nice Weather Today
16. Dancing Kodama
17. To the Underground Tunnel
18. Grit
19. Marduk
20. Time of Overflowing Sadness
21. Memories In Sepia
22. Revolutionary Time
23. Holy Power
24. Crimson Omen
25. Seething Fighting Spirit
26. The Mystery Deepens
27. Folklore
28. Epitaph
29. The Legacy
30. Flying Bird
31. Empty Corridor
32. Danger Zone
33. Slasher Blue
34. Decision Time
35. Decisive Battle In the Blue Sky
36. Red Lucifer Rising
37. Promised Place
38. The Door to the Journey
原声大碟 -《炼金术士 伊莉丝的工房:永恒的玛纳2》(Atelier Iris ETERNAL MANA 2 Original 评论