风格:* Irish Folk * Traditional Celtic * Celtic Folk * Traditional Irish Folk * British Folk
厂牌:RCA Victor
来源:CD (编号 82876671372)
技术参数:格式 ogg vorbis,编码器 aoTuV b4.51,质量 q6
专辑介绍:这张The Chieftains 2005年推出的专辑是这支成军于1964年的爱尔兰国宝级乐队向其离世成员、竖琴大师Derek Bell的致敬专辑,都柏林纪念音乐会的现场录音。CD封面上DerekBell笑容犹在,几乎使乐迷忘记他已离开4年。缘于The Chieftains强大的号召力,专辑中除在世的四位老“酋长”外,还有Anuna、Carlos Nunez等多位跟凯尔特音乐渊源颇深的乐队或歌手加入,这样的纪念没有哀婉,只有音乐带来的快乐。专辑曲目大多是The Chieftains乐迷耳熟能详的凯尔特古老民谣,今次由众艺术家重新演绎,不同的是再也没有乐音间若隐若现的曼妙竖琴声。(
1. John Kelly: Introduction
2. Opening Medley, Brian Boru's March, Nine Points of Roguery, The Magpie - Pretty Girls (reels)
3. Down the Old Plank Road
4. Medley: Derek's Tune (jigs), The Geese and Bright Love
5. Galician Medley, Muineira de Jios, Never Trust A Man's Love, Sixpennymoney
6. Ellen Browne
7. Banish Misfortune Medley (reels), Morning Dew, Arkansas Traveller, Wild Irishmen
8. Oiche Nollag (Christmas Eve)
9. Fionnghuala
10. Carrickfergus
11. I'll Tell Me Ma
12. Ta Coileach Ag Fograirt An Lae
13. Ottawa Valley Dance
14. Finale
15. Farewell to Music
The Chieftains -《Live from Dublin - A Tribute to Derek Bell》[OGG]评论