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John Tesh -《Victory》320kbps[MP3!]

软件大小:94.73 MB
专辑中文名: Victory
别名: The Sports Colection
艺术家: John Tesh
资源格式: MP3
版本: 320kbps
发行时间: 1997年08月05日
地区: 美国

john tesh是一位标的新世纪钢琴家作曲家作人, 1988年才正式出道, 已出版大量的cd, video …电影/电视原声带, 圣诞节, 圣诗, 黑人灵歌, 福音老歌……也常跟福音歌手合作, 写歌给point of grace, 帮Michael McDonald编曲……
对john tesh印象最深的就是在good-tv上看到他的[one world](有出dvd), 从罗马古街道竞技场, 西班牙修道院, 爱尔兰古堡, 印地安山谷, 维也纳宫殿……结合各种不同民族的音乐特色, 融合现代流行音乐手法, 令人大呼过, 过目不忘的影像, 过耳永驻的音乐
VICTORY-THE SPORTS COLLECTION includes John Tesh trading cards. Composer John Tesh is no stranger to sports-related music. He has garnered Emmys for Best Musical Composition for his work for the Pan American Games, the Tour de France, and NBC Sports' World Track and Field Championships, and he composed music used during NBC's broadcast of the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics. On VICTORY, Tesh's musical prowess and love of sports come together once again, resulting in a collection of songs which have all been influenced in some way by playing or observing some kind of sporting event. As might be expected, these pieces resonate with energy, tension, and joy; a good example is "Barcelona," an intense, fast-moving composition with a Spanish flavor, which was inspired by the Olympic Games as well as by the city itself, and which brings both to life in Tesh's typically bold, seamlessly-produced style.
01 PS491
02 Ironman
03 Leave It To Gibber
04 Barcelona
05 Black Hole
06 Group Five
07 Spanish Steps - (live)
08 Roundball Rock - (live)
09 Gridiron Dreams
10 One To One
11 Wimby Thrills
12 Exit Mulholland
13 Destination Paris

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  • 名称:John Tesh -《Victory》320kbps[MP3!]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:09:54
  • 资源大小:94.73 MB
  • 授权形式:免费