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The Kells -《凯尔特回音》(Celtic Echoes)[MP3!]

软件大小:46.12 MB
专辑中文名: 凯尔特回音
专辑英文名: Celtic Echoes
艺术家: The Kells
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2004年
地区: 英国

The Kells是一队非常有名气的传统Celtic四重奏组合,乐队成员是Helen O'Connell、Steve Hall、John Leonard和Lizzy Ramsey。他们使用的乐器包括纽扣式手风琴、风笛、吉他、小提琴等。Helen O'Connell演奏的是D调风笛、纽扣式手风琴;Steve Hall演奏的是吉他;John Leonard演奏笛子、低音D & G调风笛;Lizzy Ramsey则负责小提琴。他们先后发行过四张专辑,即:《Celtic Voices》、《Celtic Dawn》、《Celtic Voyage》和这张《Celtic Echoes》。这个专辑发行于1999年,在专辑的11首曲子里,10首是传统的爱尔兰民乐,其中一首是乐队灵魂人物Helen O'Connell所自己创作的曲子。音乐洋溢着静谧而温婉的气息,悠远而舒缓,给人以非常安逸祥和的感觉,成员的合奏默契而谐调
A truly traditional album of Celtic music featuring one of the most respected Celtic bands 'The Kells'.
Button Accordion, Uillean Pipes, Violin, Whistles and Guitar, all played with the passion and virtuosity of the true ethnic musician, will bring alive the traditions and sheer musical joy inherent in the Celts.
Featuring traditional favourites including Londonderry Air, Carrick Fergus and She Moves Through The Fair, Celtic Echoes will transport you to the mist covered mountains and green hills of the Emerald Isle every time it is played.
01. Arran
02. Londonderry Air
03. Jeannie O'Connell
04. The Dawning Of The Day
05. Carrick Fergus
06. The Cliffs Of Dooneen
07. Banks Of Red Roses
08. Red Is The Rose
09. Glory Oh
10. Sam Hall
11. She Moves Through The Fair

The Kells -《凯尔特回音》(Celtic Echoes)[MP3!]下载

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  • 名称:The Kells -《凯尔特回音》(Celtic Echoes)[MP3!]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:06:36
  • 资源大小:46.12 MB
  • 授权形式:免费