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《大师诺曼·福斯特与大英博物馆》(Norman Foster and the british museum)[PDF]

软件大小:28.99 MB
中文名: 大师诺曼福斯特与大英博物馆
原名: Norman Foster and the british museum
版本: [PDF]
地区: 美国

* 产品详情:
* 定价: $19.95
* 作者: John Erickson
* 精装: 120页
* 出版: Prestel (August 2001)
* 语言: 英文
* 书号: 3791325418
* 书中描述:
由於伦敦市对於建筑的重视,因此伦敦也成为一个MicroStation的城市。在最近这几个月中,MSM已经报导过Richard Rogers爵士(Millennium Dome的设计者)与Marks Barfield Partnership公司(British Airways London Eye的设计者) 所设计的世界级的建筑物了。而现在则是要报导大英博物馆(British Museum)最近才开放的Great Court。Great Court是由罗德罗曼佛斯特(Lord Norman Foster)所设计的,这也是伦敦市另一个世界级的建筑物。英国的技术作家与MSM的专栏作家Martyn Day将会带领我们一窥这个伦敦最新建筑的堂奥。
大英博物馆的Great Court在2000年12月月初开放之后,马上就吸引了民的注意,而且也为博物馆提供了一个新的设施与景点。目前它已经成为伦敦最受欢迎的旅游景点了。许多建筑界的专家比较了这个由佛斯特伙伴公司(Foster and Partners)所设计建造的玻璃屋顶的Great Court,与贝聿铭(I.M. Pei)所设计、令人印象深刻的法国罗浮宫前广场上的玻璃金字塔。他们认为这两座建筑都必须要考量到非常杂的历史背景,而且他们都使用玻璃来做为表现他们的设计的主要元素。
Norman Foster and The British Museum With an introduction by Norman Foster And essays by Deyan Sudjic and Spencer de Grey A landmark in the history of the British Museum and one of Norman Foster ’s most significant projects to date, the Great Court has reclaimed and reinvigorated one of London ’s most important public spaces, transforming the Museum. Published to coincide with a major retrospective of Foster ’s work held at the British Museum, this book brings together essays, design drawings, and photographs to provide an unprecedented account of the development and completion of Foster ’s project. From the Publisher An introductory essay by Deyan Sudjic presents the Great Court as the culmination of centuries of change within the Museum .a reconciliation of past and future, which has both restored and transfigured the heart of this public institution. Spencer de Grey, a partner at Foster and Partners, documents the design and construction of the individual elements within the Great Court and the vast glazed canopy, which surmounts them. Introduced by Norman Foster and richly illustrated with photographs of the Great Court during construction and in its spectacular finished state, this book provides an insight into the evolution of one of London ’s most remarkable architectural spaces.
* 作者福斯特:
建筑师:Norman Foster
此博物馆从一八○八年至今,历三次大手术。第一次扩建於一八五二年,布局成口字形,中央为庭院。第二次於一九三八年,在中庭建了一圆筒形图书馆,后因藏书量膨胀而使庭院愈来愈窄。第三次改建於○一年,市政府决定把图书馆搬迁至St. Pancras,建筑师把遮挡阳光的贮书建设拆掉,展露出原本圆形读书室的几何美态。再盖上一个冬甩形的玻璃天幕,营造舒适的步行环境,带领游人通往不同的展馆及地下演艺厅。(撰文:香港建筑师学会谢锦荣建筑师)
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《大师诺曼·福斯特与大英博物馆》(Norman Foster and the british museum)[PDF]下载

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  • 名称:《大师诺曼·福斯特与大英博物馆》(Norman Foster and the british museum)[PDF]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 11:41:23
  • 资源大小:28.99 MB
  • 授权形式:免费