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《建模工具》(CSI Concepts 2D 3D V3.629)英文

软件大小:107.35 MB
中文名: 建模工具
英文名: CSI Concepts 2D 3D V3.629
版本: 英文
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: CSI

软件分类: 国外软件 / 零售版 / 辅助设计
文件大小: 58M
适用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/
共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5

CSI Concepts 3D V3.629 (建模工具):
Concepts 3D 是一款精确的软件,它提供了先进、快速和易用的建模工具。使用Concepts 3D包含了许多建模方法:曲线、曲面和实体,这些都被无缝地集成到友好的设计环境中。
Precise Conceptual Modeling
Concepts 3D is a precise software application that provides state of the art modeling tools without sacrificing speed and ease of use. Use Concepts 3D to explore and develop new product concepts using a variety of modeling methods including curves, surfaces, and solids all seamlessly integrated into a user friendly design environment.
Versatile, Intelligent Modeling Methods
Concepts 3D supports an integrated collection of 2D, 3D, surface, and solid modeling tools. You choose the tools or combination of tools you need for the task at hand. The different construction methods work together with transparent associativity and a history tree to provide rapid design modifications.
State of Art Modeling Tools
Concepts 3D is not your typical widget based modeler found in the Mechanical CAD communities. Concepts 3D was designed from the ground up to make complex shapes using a variety of modeling practices. Designers can choose from a variety of integrated design methods that include:
---Curves (Points, Lines, Splines, Arcs, Ellipses, Conics)
---Surfaces (Over 17 different surface types)
---Solids (Primitives, Profile Based, Surface Based, Features)
---Features (Fillet, Chamfer, Shell, Boss, Holes, Protrude, Cutout )
---Local Face (Modify specific faces independent of features or history)
---Warp (Bend, twist, stretch NURB bodies independent of history)
---Deform (Inflate & Deflate using gains and positions)
Share Data with MCAD/Enterprise Solutions
Unlike facetted based conceptual design packages, Concepts 3D uses a precise kernel that shares data using SAT, IGES, STEP, and DXF/DWG.
Whereas MCAD/Enterprise solutions focus on functionality, Concepts focuses on usability first. The simple clean user interface combined with intelligent snaps and integrated design methods make Concepts a breeze to get up to speed.

软件名称: CSI Concepts 2D V3.631 (设计、草绘和技术图解工具)
程序语言: 英文
软件分类: 国外软件 / 零售版 / 辅助设计
文件大小: 48M
适用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/
Concepts 2D 是一款强大但是简单易用的设计、草绘和技术图解工具。它拥有一系列草绘和注释工具,使得其成为产品生产中从草稿到成品的不二选择。

Precise Conceptual Drafting
Concepts 2D is a powerful yet easy to use design, drafting and technical illustration tool. Concepts 2D has a comprehensive set of drafting and annotation tools making it the perfect choice for producing anything from simple sketches to fully dimensioned, standards compliant, production ready drawings
Comprehensive Drafting Tools
Concepts 2D supports a wealth of 2D curve creation and editing tools. Creation tools include numerous methods for constructing points, lines, splines, arcs, circles, ellipses, and rho valued conics. Editing tools exist for changing parameter values of curves, localized and global edits using transformations such translating, rotating, and scaling. Additional utilities are available for filleting, filling, smoothing, chamfering, trimming, breaking, elevating, and extending.
Drawing &Annotation Capabilities
Concepts 2D is one of the industry's first 2D drafting tool that is capable of assimilating 3D data in a meaningful manner. Concepts 2D can automatically create precise wireframe and hidden line drawings from any 3D component or assembly, including direct support of CATIA v4 and PRO/E Wildfire parts and assemblies. This unique functionality almost entirely eliminates the laborious and time consuming task of generating production ready drawings manually. Our drawing tools will not only create accurate 2D drawing views from 3D imported parts but provides support for the creation of auxiliary, detail, and section views

《建模工具》(CSI Concepts 2D 3D V3.629)英文下载

《建模工具》(CSI Concepts 2D 3D V3.629)英文评论


  • 名称:《建模工具》(CSI Concepts 2D 3D V3.629)英文
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:57:11
  • 资源大小:107.35 MB
  • 授权形式:免费