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《ReFX Nexus ROM合成器》(ReFX Nexus v1.0.9 VSTi AU HYBRiD DVDR)[I

软件大小:4.78 GB
中文名: ReFX Nexus ROM合成器
英文名: ReFX Nexus v1.0.9 VSTi AU HYBRiD DVDR
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: ReFX
地区: 美国


ReFX Nexus,被称为下一代的ROM合成器,它带有一个琶音器,适合做trace音色的门限器,高达4GB的音色库,650个音色,内置混响效果器,只占用很低的CPU资源。而且你还可以购买音色扩展包来扩充音色。
Bill Killed Skin、Black Evil Skin、Black Good Skin、Lime Skin、Vengeance Skin是ReFX Nexus的五种皮肤套件。

Nexus可以以VST和AU插件格式运行在Windows和Mac OS X下,支持Intel-Mac。
Nexus is a "next generation" ROM synthesizer plug-in !
Nexus is capable of everything from complex sound-storms to powerful dance leads and Gregorian choirs. It features a freely programmable arpeggiator, a versatile trance-gate, an optimized factory-library and low CPU requirements.
Nexus can be expanded with new sounds by installing genre-specific expansion packs, three are available already, and you can customize the look of the GUI with themed skins - initially there are five to choose from.
true next gen
NEXUS is a next generation rom synthesizer of highest quality that will make your dreams come true. Forget about the usual bread & butter ROM synthesizers whose sounds are boring, stale and lacking punch.
NEXUS explores new territory and delivers complex, ultra-fat and up-to-date soundstorms that could not sound any better from the most expensive and best hardware - all at the tip of your fingers.
NEXUS provides you with everything you need to create the new hit. Do you need the most powerful dance leadsounds to become famous in your club or a Gregorian choir to create the atmosphere of the next trance hit? Whatever you need, NEXUS will supply you with what you have always been longing for.
Features like the freely programable arpeggiator, the versatile trancegate or the factory-library optimized for the most popular genres make this the best ROM synthesizer on the market.
Even though the sound is first rate, your CPU is spared. You can expand NEXUS with new sounds by installing genre-specific expansion packs or customize the look of the GUI with our themed skins.
Are you ready? You better be.
After placing your order, you will receive an email with a license-file attachment. You will also receive a DVD in the mail a few days later which you need in order to install NEXUS. On that DVD is a PDF with installation instructions.
Home page:Click here

《ReFX Nexus ROM合成器》(ReFX Nexus v1.0.9 VSTi AU HYBRiD DVDR)[I下载

《ReFX Nexus ROM合成器》(ReFX Nexus v1.0.9 VSTi AU HYBRiD DVDR)[I评论


  • 名称:《ReFX Nexus ROM合成器》(ReFX Nexus v1.0.9 VSTi AU HYBRiD DVDR)[I
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 18:56:54
  • 资源大小:4.78 GB
  • 授权形式:免费