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《Next Limit流体动力学模拟软件RealFlow》(Next Limit RealFlow V4.2.3.0102)

软件大小:98.69 MB
中文名: Next Limit流体动力学模拟软件RealFlow
英文名: Next Limit RealFlow V4.2.3.0102
发行时间: 2006年10月30日
地区: 西班牙

[已通过安全检测]NOD32 病毒库版本:1.1850(20061102)
[已通过安装测试]WINDOWS XP SP2

共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1或DonkeyServer No2,DonkeyServer No3,VC.eserver.ZJ

RealFlow是Next Limit公司出品的流体动力学模拟软件。目前正被广泛的应用。只要使用过的人都知道其效果如何。并且该软件正在不断进行改进,内嵌脚本也越来越强大。版本说明如下(来不及翻译了。呵呵!看起来修正和改进可是不少啊):
在我们了解RealFlow 3最新特性之前,先讨论一下RealFlow究竟是什么。Next Limit的RealFlow是一款独立的模拟软件,可以计算真实世界中运动物体的运动,包括液体。RealFlow提供给艺术家们一系列精心设计的工具,如流体模拟(液体和气体)、网格生成器、带有约束的刚体动力学、弹性、控制流体行为的工作平台和波动、浮力(以前在RealWave中具有浮力功能)。你可以将几何体或场景导入RealFlow来设置流体模拟。在模拟和调节完成后,将粒子或网格物体从RealFlow导出到其他主流3D软件中进行照明和渲染。对于支持的3D软件,可以看本文的总结部分。
与传统认知不同,RealFlow不是一个插件。插件(可以从 nextlimit网站免费下载)用来将模拟和几何体导入和导出,但是RealFlow则是一款独立的软件。RealFlow没有提供任何照明和渲染功能。你可以通过调节粒子流的UV坐标来拖拉纹理,从而创建各种纹理效果。你可以为网格创建UV坐标,并且创建“Wet Texture Maps” (打湿纹理贴图)。它可以创建非常丰富和真实的纹理效果,但不能在传统的场景中进行纹理贴图。
最新的曲线和表达式编辑器让用户可以更加自由地调节关键帧。可以对基于表达式的条件产生“回应”,这是一个重要的改进,特别是对效果制作有明显的好处。这些主要特性也可以被整合到RealWave特性设置中。由于允许你进行某些操作,例如从一个基于表面属性的Real Wave表面上发射粒子。Real Wave具有产生波动和在几何体或粒子周围产生浮力效果的功能。
最具创新性的功能是“Wet Texture Maps”(打湿纹理贴图)。当粒子碰到表面,它在物体的表面上“绘制”纹理。因此,它可以在表面上留下痕迹或者“打湿”纹理。
Next Limit公司的工作人员将这款强大的软件提供给人们,使用RealFlow 4可以创建出易于控制并且非常真实的高级流体模拟效果。RealFlow 4带给我们很多最新特性,在稳定性和速度方面都有很大提高。大部分用户都认为最新的版本比旧版提供了更有趣更具意义的操作性能。你可以通过观看CG电影“I Robots”(机器人)来领略RealFlow制作出的优秀效果。
1 RealFlow的用途
RealFlow是一种建立在流体动态计算技术上的物理粒子系统,它作为Windows NT/2000/XP下独立运行的程序直观的的实时OpenGL技术显示,可以很好的与3D软件相连接。如3ds max;Maya;LightWave3D;和Softimage。[E维]
3das max的自身粒子系统中很难表现真实流体动画,但我们只要有了RealFlow就可以很容易的实现飞溅的流体;黏液;气体等。
RealFlow有着十分友好的界面,如果我们是3ds max用户的话,那么就可以就可以在很短的时间掌握RealFlow这款顶级的流体插件。
2 RealFlow最新释放
Next Limit的RealFlow是一款独立的模拟软件,可以计算真实世界中运动物体的运动,包括液体。RealFlow提供给艺术家们一系列精心设计的工具,如流体模拟(液体和气体)、网格生成器、带有约束的刚体动力学、弹性、控制流体行为的工作平台和波动、浮力(以前在RealWave中具有浮力功能)。你可以将几何体或场景导入RealFlow来设置流体模拟。在模拟和调节完成后,将粒子或网格物体从RealFlow导出到其他主流3D软件中进行照明和渲染。对于支持的3D软件,可以看本文的总结部分。
与传统认知不同,RealFlow不是一个插件。插件(可以从nextlimit网站免费下载)用来将模拟和几何体导入和导出,但是RealFlow则是一款独立的软件。RealFlow没有提供任何照明和渲染功能。你可以通过调节粒子流的UV坐标来拖拉纹理,从而创建各种纹理效果。你可以为网格创建UV坐标,并且创建“Wet Texture Maps” (打湿纹理贴图)。它可以创建非常丰富和真实的纹理效果,但不能在传统的场景中进行纹理贴图。
RealFlow 应用的电影有:机器人,Ice Age 2 冰河2,X战警3/X-Men3,《指环王Ⅲ王者归来》等等大型国际电影。
Scene Setup(场景设置)
Importing to Your 3d App(导入3D软件)
持的3D软件:Maya、3ds max、Lightwave、Cinema 4D

REALFLOW 4.0 Release Notes
1.- System requirements
* Software requirements
- Microsoft?Windows?XP Professional
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 2 or higher)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 WS or higher.
- SUSE Linux 9.1 or higher.
- Fedora core 2 or higher.
- Apple?Mac?OS X 10.3.5 or higher (X11 subsystem required)
* Hardware requirements
- Intel?Pentium?II or higher
- AMD Athlon?processor
- Macintosh?G4, G5, Intel.
- 512 MB RAM
- Hardware-Accelerated OpenGL?graphics card
- 3-button mouse with mouse driver software
- 50 MB of hard disk space
* Software requirements
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64.
- Microsoft Windows 2003 Server x64.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 WS or higher.
- Fedora Core 4.
* Hardware requirements
- Intel?Pentium?4 EMT64-Enabled.
- AMD Athlon/Opteron 64
- 512 MB RAM
- Hardware-Accelerated OpenGL?graphics card
- 3-button mouse with mouse driver software
- 50 MB of hard disk space
2.- Features added or modified
- New scripting function "export" for the "Object" class.
- The collision for rigid bodies with "Mesh" collision primitive has been improved. In
some scenes this improvement makes the simulation 3 times faster than before.
- Constrainst are not displayed during play back.
- Object primitives can be cloned.
- Array tool can be applied to object primitives.
- Imported objects (SD files not included) can be cloned.
- The parameter "Create Wave" in the "RW Particle Interaction" panel has been removed.
Particles will create waves in the RealWave surface when the emitter is linked to the
RealWave node. To stop creating waves just remove the link.
- The interaction between fluids and rigid bodies has been improved. The interaction
is more physically correct than before and some artifacts regarding explosions of
energy either in the particles or in the bodies are gone.
- The computation of collisions between particles and objects has been threaded.
Scenes with a heavy load of particles in collision will benefit of this feature.
- New scripting function "setUV" for the "Particle" class.
- New scripting class "GUIFilePickerDialog" to show a file dialog browser.
- New scripting function "paint" for the "Scene" class. This will update the scene
views with the current state of the nodes.
- The vorticity of the particles is not computed by default as it used to. It seems
that most of the time this property is not needed so it isn't worth to spend time
computing it. Now if you want to have this property computed you have to enable
the "Compute Vorticity" parameter in the "Particles" panel. In the case that you
already have simulated a scene and afterwards you realize that you need vorticity you
can run the system script "Compute Vorticity" that is in you system scripts tool bar.
This avoid the fact of doing the whole simulation again just to get vorticity computed.
- A new system script has been added that converts a sequence of Maya PDC format
files into RealFlow BIN format files.
- By default the "animation(.sd)" export option for objects is checked. This way, the
simulation "Cache" mode for objects works by default.
- When the "Rope" constraint has a parent the visual line showing the rope connection
is updated as soon as the child or the parent change their positions.
- The "Rope" constraint can be manipulated just moving the parent or the children or
- General improvements in the behaviour of the constraints.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Emitter" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Daemon" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Object" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Mesh" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Constraint" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "Camera" class.
- New scripting function "getParameterType" for the "RealWave" class.
3.- Limitations
- Limitation #1
Undo/Redo doesn't work in the curve editor.
- Limitation #2
Switching Hypermesh from "No" to "Yes" casues the RW surface to grow.
- Limitation #3
Clone option only works with some type of nodes.
- Limitation #4
References to removed nodes are not retrieved when we "undo" the remove command. For
example the "Parent to" parameter.
- Limitation #5
Center selected is not working with all node types.
- Limitation #6
RealWave particle layer is not loaded at play time so it is difficult to make a mesh
including those particles at play time. To workaround this we recommend to create a
BinaryLoader with the particles from the particle layer and use this as a source for
mesh creation at play time.
- Limitation #7
When a SD file which is part of a scene is not found during the scene loading process and
the browse action for looking for a replacement is skipped the rest of nodes of the
scene are not loaded.
4.- Known bugs
- Bug #487
Curve editor: TCB nodes are not saved when the curve es exported.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #492
Spline Emitter: Spline control points can only be moved in 2 axis.
Workaround: Link null nodes to the control points and move the null nodes.
- Bug #495
RealWave: Depth texture is reset when a value related to the geometry is changed.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #506
DSpline Daemon: Cloning this daemon does not clone the strenght values.
Workaroung: None.
- Bug #517
Spline Emitter: Cloning a spline emitter does not clone the Control Points related fields.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #629
Age Daemon: icon's does not move with the axis in viewports.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #639
Curve Editor: l10(t) expression cannot be used.
Workaround: You can use scripting to mimic the behaviour of an expression.
- Bug #679
Initial state ignores Xform when reset.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #683
Emitters: xform does not work for parented emitters.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #696
Trying to use .jpg and .bmp bitmaps generated by realwave used as normal textures
crashes RF.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #802
Velocity option in daemons do not work with rigid bodies.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #902
Path control points used for RealWave are not rotated when the RealWave surface is rotated.
Workaround: None.
- Bug #959
Particle selection tool doesn't work with the "Object emitter".
Workaround: Export to BIN files and load them using a BIN Loader emitter.
5.- Fixed bugs
- Bug #929
The "getParameter" function is not returning a None object when the browse style
parameters are set to "-". It returns the last name used.
- Bug #925
Fibers are not affected by the daemons.
- Bug #930
Command line option -mesh doesn't work.
- Bug #931 (Linux specific)
Nodes can't be linked in the Exclusive Links list.
- Bug #932
Play range limits are not updated properly neither when RF is launched nor
when a new scene is created.
- Bug #933
Visual clue for objects remain active even if no objects are in the scene.
- Bug #643
Time Line: Visual clues for resources that are exported remain even after the nodes are
- Bug #934
Particle selection tool doesn't work with the Fill Object emitter.
- Bug #935 (Linux specific)
Some values for the RealWave's downstream feature makes RF to not advance
in the time line even if the simulation is taking place.
- Bug #936
Removing particles in a Elastics type fluid makes RF to crash.
- Bug #937
RealFlow crashes during simulation when no more memory is available.
- Bug #257
Bad reset with breakable constraint by force.
- Bug #916
Inactive Rigid bodies are calculated.
- Bug #938
Convex hull primitive doesn't work correctly with specific geometries.
- Bug #939 (Linux specific)
"Load Texture" parameter in the object "Texture" panel doesn't work.
- Bug #940
Exported SD files don't apply the scale of the scene to the exported geometry.
- Bug #941
Scenes saved with RF3 and having constraints linked to objects don't load into RF4.
- Bug #942
Rigid Body collisions between different types of primitives don't work properly
depending on the scene setup.
- Bug #943
Random crashes when using the "Group" class.
- Bug #944
Malfunction in the detection of duplication of names when a built-in object exists
in the scene and an object with the same name is imported from a SD file.
- Bug #945
Binary loader load files with one frame offset.
- Bug #946
Compress param not working when the number of threads is set to 1.
- Bug #947
"Creation Threshold" parameter for the RW_Particles emitter doesn't work properly.
- Bug #843
Parameters regarding limits of the slider constraint are not updated when the
scene is loaded.
- Bug #950
In a scene where there are constraints the visualization of bodies can randomly
change from wireframe to flat.
- Bug #951
Default export option for objects is wrong when the object check box is unchecked
and checked again.
- Bug #952
"Lock" button is not updated when a scene is loaded.
- Bug #958
"Collision distance" parameter for soft bodies is not updated properly when a
workspace file is loaded.

《Next Limit流体动力学模拟软件RealFlow》(Next Limit RealFlow V4.2.3.0102)下载

《Next Limit流体动力学模拟软件RealFlow》(Next Limit RealFlow V4.2.3.0102)评论


  • 名称:《Next Limit流体动力学模拟软件RealFlow》(Next Limit RealFlow V4.2.3.0102)
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 11:45:26
  • 资源大小:98.69 MB
  • 授权形式:免费