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《东方R&B音源》(Ueberschall Oriental RnB)

软件大小:2.06 GB
中文名: 东方R&B音源
英文名: Ueberschall Oriental RnB
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: Ueberschall
地区: 美国

已通过安装测试:操作系统是windows xp,在Cubase sx里调用的
共享服务器:BiG BanG 9 或 Lyon power server
Oriental RnB 融合了东、西方不同的音乐风格,有颇具东方神秘风情的印度、中东音色,也有来自西方的爵士、RnB 风格音色。包括:Tar, Kemance, Santur, 卡农琴, 手风琴, Ney, 笛, Darbuka, Duff, Zarb, Rhodes, Organ, Synth, 乌得琴,小提琴,布祖基琴,钢琴,声学吉他,电子吉他,鼓等打击乐器以及电子合成乐。是一款基于"Elastik Engine"技术的全新音源插件,可以完全满足专业用户的不同要求。
Oriental RnB Ueberschall's new collection of selected construction kits with spicy oriental flavour.
Features Instruments like: Oud, Tar, Kemance, Santur, Violin, Kanoun, Accordeon, Bouzouki, Ney, Pipes, Darbuka, Duff, Zarb, Rhodes, Piano, Organ, Synth, Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Vocals, Drums & Percussion. In total 3.2 Gigabyte of loops and single sounds.
Oriental RnB is the ultimate point where the east and the west intercept on the highest musical and sonic level. This very point is touched by spicy oriental flavour combined with modern dance, pop and RnB tunez. Oriental RnB has been recorded with high quality studio equipment by exceptional sound engineers who know their business. Oriental RnB comes with Ueberschall’s brand new "Elastik Engine" technology with all the functionality which is needed for professional use.
The sound library comes along with the brand new "Elastik" loop player. For Mac & PC, RTAS/VST/Audio Units/StandAlone.
Elastik features:
+ highspeed timestretching and pitchshifting in best quality
+ innovative "LoopEye" for fast loop variations
+ all parameters midi controllable
+ multiple content management
+ each product separately installable
+ mapping tools (automatic slice- & chromatic-map)
+ save audio of original and modified loops
+ creation of user presets
+ filter with "kill function" (-72db)
+ adaptable to tempos from 10 to 480 bpm
+ audio engine for quick adaptation
and many many more

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  • 名称:《东方R&B音源》(Ueberschall Oriental RnB)
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 19:26:21
  • 资源大小:2.06 GB
  • 授权形式:免费