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《Photoshop教程》(PhotoshopCAFE LIVE)Photoshop 7.0[ISO]

软件大小:577.46 MB
中文名: Photoshop教程
英文名: PhotoshopCAFE LIVE
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: Photoshop 7.0
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

Most Wanted Special Effects
The CD features over 80 minutes of live video. There are no lame fillers, just fast-paced back to back Photoshop 7 Tutorials and tips. In all there are 15 projects including a full 20 minute Background Super Tutorial. Every tutorial has that "little extra" that Colin is known for, where he takes you step by step through every move in PLAIN ENGLISH and then throws in some tweaks to really make the images stand out from the rest.This CD will change the way you use Photoshop.
Among many other things, you will learn the following techniques.
Blending modes
Layer techniques
Keyboard Shortcuts
Master the Hue/saturation
Combining filters for results "The classic Video that started it all off" Limited Quantity
杀毒软件:symantec antivirus
版本: 2007-2-28 rev.17
共享条件:电信ADSL 512K
共享服务器:一般在DonkeyServer No1-2
[通过安装测试]WindowsXP SP2

《Photoshop教程》(PhotoshopCAFE LIVE)Photoshop 7.0[ISO]下载

《Photoshop教程》(PhotoshopCAFE LIVE)Photoshop 7.0[ISO]评论


  • 名称:《Photoshop教程》(PhotoshopCAFE LIVE)Photoshop 7.0[ISO]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 19:20:57
  • 资源大小:577.46 MB
  • 授权形式:免费