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《罗密欧与朱丽叶-以吻封缄》(Romeo And Juliet Sealed With A Kiss)[DVDRip]

软件大小:697.16 MB

◎中文 名 
◎片  名 Romeo And Juliet Sealed With A Kiss
◎年  代 2006
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 卡通
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 无字幕
◎IMDB评分 awaiting 5 votes
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0830199
◎文件格式 XviD + AC3
视频尺寸 576x416
◎文件大小 1CD 50 x 15MB
◎片  长 72 Min
◎导  演 Phil Nibbelink
◎主  演 Daniel Trippet
      Patricia Trippet
      Chip Albers
      Michael Toland
      Stephen Goldberg
◎简  介 
A fully animated feature fantasy about two star crossed seals from warring families that fall in love against their parents'wishes. When Juliet's father gives her hand in marriage to the monstrous elephant seal Prince, Juliet must fake her death in order to be reunited with Romeo. But the plan goes afoul and it's a desperate race to the end. With the help of their friends Friar Lawrence and Kissy, the kissing fish, the day is saved and the young lovers are reunited. An animated retelling of the ageless
tale of love and prejudice set in an undersea world. A film to be enjoyed by the whole family.
一部充满幻想的动画片关于两个违反父母意愿,相互交战家庭的不幸海豹,坠入爱河的故事。当朱丽叶的父亲将她的婚嫁之手牵向丑恶的海象王子时,朱丽叶必须假装死去以便与罗密欧重聚。但是计划失败和使之成了危急历程。在朋友亲嘴鱼Friar Lawrence和Kissy的帮助下,末日被拯救,小情人得以重聚。一部讲述海底世界爱情和偏见不老故事的动画片。(神射)

《罗密欧与朱丽叶-以吻封缄》(Romeo And Juliet Sealed With A Kiss)[DVDRip]下载

《罗密欧与朱丽叶-以吻封缄》(Romeo And Juliet Sealed With A Kiss)[DVDRip]评论


  • 名称:《罗密欧与朱丽叶-以吻封缄》(Romeo And Juliet Sealed With A Kiss)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:49:55
  • 资源大小:697.16 MB
  • 授权形式:免费