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《誓死等待》(It Waits)UNRATED/2CD/AC3[DVDRip]

软件大小:2.06 GB

片 名: It Waits
译 名: 誓死等待
首 映: 2005年
国 家: 美国
类 型: 恐怖
导 演: Steven R. Monroe
主 演: Cerina Vincent .... Danny St. Claire
    Dominic Zamprogna .... Justin Rawley
    Greg Kean .... Rick Bailey
    Eric Schweig .... Joseph Riverwind
    Samaya Jardey .... Ozeta Riverwind
    Miranda Frigon .... Julie Cassidy
    Tinsel Korey .... Lark Rainwater
    Fred Henderson .... Carl Nash
    Chilton Crane .... Evelyn Nash
    Saginaw Grant .... Chief Standing Bear
    Austin Jordon .... Wakinyah Creature
"It Waits" is a suspenseful, horrifying tale of a Native American legend come to life. A creature trapped in the bowels of hell has been awoken and unleashed on the world. It prowls the wilderness, hunting a young, willful ranger named Danielle. Danielle is experiencing her own personal turmoil, having recently been responsible for the death of her best friend. Things go from bad to worse as Danielle realizes that she is not alone in the wilderness. There is a creature slowly stalking and hunting her. The creature claims the lives of the few people that may have been able to help Danielle, and all hope seems lost. She waits as the creature comes for here and desperately struggles for her life, but will her struggle be enough to ensure her survival?
"It Waits" 是一个情节紧张、惊骇的美洲印第安人传奇的现实演绎。深陷于地域深处的生物被唤醒和释放,潜行于荒野钟,捕猎一个年轻,固执的森林护林员Danielle。Danielle正在经历个人的混沌时期,最近为最好朋友的过世而受责。当Danielle意识到荒野中并非她一人时, 境域每况愈下。有个生物慢慢盯上并猎捕她,并索取了能够帮助他的,为数不多的几人性命。看来无望的她,等候生物到来的拼死一搏,不过她的抵抗能够保全一命嘛?

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  • 名称:《誓死等待》(It Waits)UNRATED/2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:55:44
  • 资源大小:2.06 GB
  • 授权形式:免费