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《ASTA安全工具包》(Astalavista Security Toolbox DVD v4.0)[ISO]

软件大小:4.04 GB
中文名: ASTA安全工具包
英文名: Astalavista Security Toolbox DVD v4.0
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2007年05月
制作发行: Astalavista
地区: 美国


Astalavista Security Toolbox DVD v4.0
安全: 防火墙, IDS, Admin tools, 密码学, 验核, 匿名, 存取控制...
侵入: 窗口, 口令, Trojans, 嗅探, 破解, IRC, ICQ... 对初学者和高级用户大量讲解各个题目
移动通信: 最新的秘密和对所有标签和型号欺诈。
病毒: 讲解, 工具, 原始代码...
Palm: 在 cdrom 最秘密的工具,改变你的Plam 到 James Bond工具。
编程: 有用的讲解和代码关于ActiveX, 装配 , C/C++, VisualBasic, Java, ASP, PHP.
Astalavista's Security Toolbox DVD v4.0 is considered to be the largest and most comprehensive Information Security archive. As always we are committed to provide you with a resource for all of your security and hacking interests, in an interactive way! The Information found on the Security Toolbox DVD has been carefully selected, so that you will only browse through quality information and tools. No matter if you are a computer enthusiast, a computer geek, a newbie looking for information on "how to hack", or an IT Security professional looking for quality and up to date information for offline use or just for convenience, we are sure that you will be satisfied, even delighted by the DVD!
Main benefits:
- almost 50% off the real price (29.90 USD) so you get the Astalavista's Security Toolbox DVD v4.0 for only 15.90 USD
- Extremely comprehensive (about 5'900 Tools!)
- Very well sorted archive with detailed descriptions (352 categories!)
- Improved performance of the Security Toolbox, information has never been that easier to find
- You can download the DVD yourself at home
- You will automatically become part of the new Astalavista's Promotion Service, meaning that you will receive information about promotions and special services, which is not going to be released to the public.
System requirements:
* Windows 95/ME/98/2000/NT/XP/Vista
* DVD-R Drive or a virtual drive

《ASTA安全工具包》(Astalavista Security Toolbox DVD v4.0)[ISO]下载

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  • 名称:《ASTA安全工具包》(Astalavista Security Toolbox DVD v4.0)[ISO]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 17:27:36
  • 资源大小:4.04 GB
  • 授权形式:免费