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索尼 Xperia X8 ICS CM9 Stylishperia nAa-ICS 27-09-12

索尼 Xperia X8 ICS CM9 Stylishperia nAa-ICS 27-09-12

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:
  2. 大小:104.9MB
  3. Android版本:
    1. UI:其他
    2. 标签:优化流畅省电稳定

  1. 2015-08-03


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  3. 索尼Xperia X8推荐ROM

  1. I present to you my next project Rom called 'Stylishperia.' Rom is enriched with tweaks to the speed and stability of the system and the appearance of Rom
    Rom also tried to slim down no denying him the applications in this way makes it possible to more memory and a faster operating system I work on Rom as the MINI and MINI CM10 CM9 Rom advantages to brag about.

    When you test my Roms please exhibitions of the opinion is important to me in improving future versions of the Rom.
    Yes I know I could give quicker about it, but I had no time work, family, etc.


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