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您现在的位置是:首页 > 苹果资讯专区 > iPhone资讯 > 新iPhone基带漏洞可能带来iOS固件解锁


时间:2014-07-03 13:23:24 来源: 复制分享

  Sherif Hashim发现了iPhone另一个基带漏洞,此漏洞支持iOS 4.1和iOS 4.2固件对应的基带(iPhone 4、iPhone 3GS)解锁。


iPhone 4 iPhone 3GS iOS 4.1 4.2 02.10.04


iPhone 4 iPhone 3GS iOS 4.1 4.2 02.10.04

  @sherif_hashim: since nearly all my received tweets ask about both BB, I can report very early "initial" 1st step success on both sides, calmed down? :)

  sherif_hashim:既然很多人问我关于两个BB(iPhone 4的Base Band 02.10.04和iPhone 3GS的Base Band 05.14.02)的进展,那我就说下:目前的进度是两方面都有非常良好的开端,好了?

  @mrpauldurden: @sherif_hashim very early first steps means.. you've found a crash that can potentially prove to be an expoitable vulnerability?


  @sherif_hashim: @mrpauldurden a bit more sure than this, yeah


  也发现iOS 4.0的主要解锁漏洞也是Hashim发现的,然而Veeence暗示解锁可能在iOS 4.2固件发布之前不会提前放出,尽管它也支持iOS 4.1。

  @veeence: A new exploitable baseband crash has been found. An unlock will very likely be released after iOS 4.2 and will unlock both BB's of 4.1 & 4.2

  我们会及时跟进有关iPhone 4等设备的iOS 4.1、iOS 4.2解锁消息。

上一篇:GreenPois0n 越狱支持自动激活 iPhone

下一篇:传部分第三方iPhone 4手机套或致背部外壳破裂

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