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您现在的位置是:首页 > IT资讯 > 软件应用 > Chrome Beta 更新到 24.0.1312.14

Chrome Beta 更新到 24.0.1312.14

时间:2014-07-03 13:23:24 来源: 复制分享

  Chrome Beta 版刚更新到 24.0.1312.14 版本,支持 Windows, Mac, Linux 和 Chrome Frame.

  该版本修复了如下 bug:

  [Linux] {gtk} Fixed selection renders white text on white background in apps. (Issue: 158422)

  [Linux] Fixed translate infobar button to show selected language. (Issue: 155350)

  [Linux] Fixed broken Arabic language. (Issue: 158978)

  Fixed pre-rendering if the preference is disabled at start up. (Issue: 159393)

  Fixed JavaScript rendering issue. (Issue: 159655):



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