时间:2014-07-03 13:23:24 来源: 复制分享
虽然曾经的Sun VirtualBox已经更名为Oracle VirtualBox,但是不变的是VirtualBox的开源和强大功能。支持Windows、Linux和Mac系统主机,可虚拟的系统包括 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4和2.6)、OpenBSD等。
Changes in VirtualBox 4.2.4 (released 2012-10-26):
* GUI: fixed validation warning on global settings / proxy page (4.2.2 regression, bug #11089)
* GUI: fixed crash with multiple guest screens on certain conditions (OS X hosts only)
* VBoxBalloonCtrl: fixed command line argument handling of ballooning module
* VRDP: fixed occasional crash during a video playback in the guest (bug #11082)
* BIOS: fixed broken DMI information (4.2 regression)
* BIOS: workaround for booting from Windows 2000 floppy disks
* EFI: fixed video mode selection loss on VM reboot (#10983)
* Parallel: fixed parallel port printing failure/ paper queue empty error (Windows hosts only; bug #2226)
* NAT: fixed crash on alias-less DNS responses when host-resolver is used
* Storage: fixed hang under rare circumstances