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Ultimate Bubble Trouble Shooter Game - Play Free Fun Kids Puzzle Games

Ultimate Bubble Trouble Shooter Game - Play Free Fun Kids Puzzle Games

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:43.9 MB
  3. 版本:1.05
    1. 分类:策略游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-08-31

  1. 标签:Ultimate Bubble Trouble Shooter Game - Play Free Fun Kids Puzzle Games


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Ultimate Bubble Trouble is here! Experience... Ultimate Bubble Trouble Shooter Game - Play Free Fun Kids Puzzle Games
    Ultimate Bubble Trouble is here! Experience the best in bubble shooting games with incredible graphics and themes, power ups, and super smooth gameplay.

    You'll be addicted to this game!

    - 15 Different themes including: Cupcakes, Ice Cream, Circus, Space, The Farm, Candy Land, Fireworks, Jewels, Valentines and MORE!!!

    - Amazing Power Ups!: A bomb to blow up items, a fireball to blaze through a whole row, or a lightning bolt to zap objects!

    - Even skip to the next item if its more useful!
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