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DJ Ringtones: Rapping Ring Tones

DJ Ringtones: Rapping Ring Tones

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:34.6 MB
  3. 版本:20.0
    1. 分类:影音播放
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-07-18

  1. 标签:DJ Ringtones: Rapping Ring Tones


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Create 100% unique Talking Caller ID rington... DJ Ringtones: Rapping Ring Tones
    Create 100% unique Talking Caller ID ringtones for every contact! You type, it talks! PLUS combine Intro Sound FX! Type several lines of text to create any message you want! iPad, iPod touch and iPhone users can use custom ringtones for Email, Text Messaging & Alarm Clock alerts! Ringtones are provided in BOTH iPhone .m4r format AND MP3 so they can be used on other phones.

    This version includes several "DJ Style" voices and dozens of musical sound effects! Our PRO version includes 50+ voices including SIRI (we call her 'Appy' but you'll recognize her in an instant!)

    Our users have created SIX MILLION custom ringtones and you can do the same! CREATE AS MANY RINGTONES AS YOU WANT!

    Retrieve ringtones at http://RINGTON.ES by logging in with the same ID* you entered in the app! This way, you can select which custom ringtones you like, and you don't have to worry about getting 100's of emails going to your spam folder! *NOTE: You need to create a unique ID to retrieve your ringtones. We recommend your email address but it is NOT required. Just use something like Batman321 so you can remember it. In that example, your custom address would be http://RINGTON.ES/Batman321 so you can easily download and share your ringtones with friends!
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