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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 系统工具



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:1.6 MB
  3. 版本:2.0.3
    1. 分类:系统工具
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-06-11

  1. 标签:来电管家


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:平台由电信网络提供,为最全面及有效的来电管理服务。 来电管家
    管家透打到你手滋阻截,仲有唔同阻截功能你有效管理。只需一 app,此由你事!

    管家四大功能 :
    1) 滋 : 透所有用一,只需一按就可以最後接通滋。不更新滋名,可有效大家免受滋。
    2) 白名 : 只接通你重人打畀你,其他者自至留言信箱 。
    3) 黑名 : 拒接你黑名者。
    4) 拒接停示 : 阻截所有停示,同我亦畀你可以接海外停示 。

    * 管家透SmarTone阻截滋,令接唔到去你部手。呢服只提供畀SmarTone客。
    * 呢服收取服月。情smartone.com/callguard。

    1. 致2281 8841 或任何市登
    2. 下及安「管家」app到你的iPhone
    3. app及用功能

    : [email protected]
    查: (852) 2281 8841

    Call Guard is network based and stops junk calls from reaching your phone. A range of useful blocking options helps you manage incoming calls better. Take control of incoming calls with one simple app.

    Call Guard has 4 key features:
    1) Junk Calls: Enjoy effective junk call blocking through our ever-expanding user-contributed database. Contribute to the database yourself by reporting the last junk call received with a tap.
    2) White List: A white list that only lets the people you care about reach you directly and forwards all other calls to voicemail.
    3) Black List: Your own personalised list to block people you don't want to hear from.
    4) Bar Withheld Numbers: Block all incoming calls with a hidden caller ID. We also offer the flexibility for you to receive international calls even if the caller ID is hidden.

    *Call Guard uses SmarTone’s network to block junk calls before they get to you. This service is exclusive to SmarTone users.
    * This service requires a monthly subscription fee. Please visit smartone.com/callguard for details.

    1. Please call 2281 8841 or visit any of our stores
    2. Download and install "Call Guard" app to your iPhone
    3. Open the app and manage your call

    Please visit http://smartone.com/callguard/en for details
    Email: [email protected]
    Enquiry: (852) 2281 8841
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