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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 生活助理



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:6.6 MB
  3. 版本:1.5.0
    1. 分类:生活助理
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-07-18

  1. 标签:Dice


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Too often you end up unable to play your fav... Dice
    Too often you end up unable to play your favorite game because you lack the stuff needed… You forgot the Dice !
    Dice simulates up to 7 (21 on iPad) dice simultaneously. Shake the device, and dice are rolled ! For the lazy ones, a simple pressure on the screen will roll the dice too. Dice is extremely simple, everyone can play anywhere.

    To sum-up :
    Shake to roll
    Pick a specific color for each die
    From 1 to 7 dice simultaneously (on bigger iPhones), 21 on iPad
    Save your dice in the save bar
    Left swipe to save all dice
    Touch the screen to roll
    Easy to use
    Drag dice on screen to order them
    And you can play your favorite game !
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