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GPS全球语音导航 Global Navigator Free!

GPS全球语音导航 Global Navigator Free!

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:9.6 MB
  3. 版本:1.7
    1. 分类:地图导航
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:GPS全球语音导航 Global Navigator Free!


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:★★★★★Windows Phone销量最好的GPS导航软件... GPS全球语音导航 Global Navigator Free!
    ★★★★★Windows Phone销量最好的GPS导航软件的iphone版本!
    ★★★★★使用Google Map的地图和卫星图来全球导航!


    -Recalculation will be done automatically while missing a turn.
    -Highways and tolls can be avoided.
    -Walking and Bus mode are present.
    -Map view from current location to next turn can be accessed.
    -Total view of route can be done by a single click.
    -Map view can be changed by map mode and satellite image mode.
    -Location or business can be searched.
    -Destination point and starting point can be changed.
    -By a single click, GPS location can be searched.
    -Navigation must be illuminated.

    -Google Maps are having coverage over 193 countries around the world.
    -Map is well constructed for good looking and up-to-date.
    -Map and satellite image gets modified frequently.
    -App can be used for GPS navigation around the world.
    Track Recording:
    Automatically record the track in Google Earth KML format when have GPS signal.
    Save your track automatically when app exit and resume recording when restart.You can using this app to record a long journey from few minutes to few months.
    Always show speed,elapse time,total distance,GPS signal precision on map.map will rotate according heading
    Send the kml tracks via email and open the track using Google Earth in computer.Load multiple tracks in Google Map
    Support multiple track line loading

    -Up-to-date location and business can be searched by network
    -Searched result will contain phone number address website.
    -Local business locations and contact information can be viewed from single place and integrated by map.

    -Favorite points can be stored in favorite folder.
    -Favorites folder can search favorite locations that appear on map and also convenient for analytics.
    -Location Sending
    -GPS position can be sent or selected position can be send by SMS, MMS and email.
    -Position can be send by SMS. Global navigation is used for creating a message that notify receiver for accessing maps.
    -Piston can be send by MMS or email. Global navigation is used for developing position link of maps.google.com.

    You can set the start and end point by press the target point on map and hold for 1 second,a popup menu will appear.
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